Socialist Stooge Tries To Defend His Indefensible Open Borders Stance.

Of the 647 things I detest about lefties, their propensity to move the goal posts when they are wrong and absolutely ignore facts and reality is close to the top.

You see it all the time:

** There was no election fraud, that’s a conspiracy theory! Ok, there was some election fraud but it didn’t change the outcome. Ok, it may have changed the outcome in some races but that’s ok because the people who lost are “racist and fascist,” so the ends justify the means.

** – There is no inflation! Ok, well inflation is here but just transitory. Ok, well it’s pretty bad now but it’s not the fault of the guy who spent trillions we didn’t have, it’s the “greedy corporations.”

** – Two weeks to flatten the curve, if you don’t stay home you’re a jerk! Ok, well that didn’t work but we’re going to do another year of it. Ok, you need to mask and that will slow it down. Ok, that didn’t work because of all the people who didn’t wear masks! Take the vaccine or we’ll die – the vaccine “stops it in its tracks and prevents you from dying.” What? We never said it stops the spread or prevents dying, it helps reduce the severity of the disease. Well, of COURSE everyone is going to get it and it’s like the flu.”

** – Global warming is going to destroy the world and melt all the ice caps by 2012! What? The temperature didn’t go up because the global warming also causes cooling – and it’s called “climate chaos” now. Wind and solar will fix everything and your electric bill will actually go down. Wind and solar need more subsidies. Yes, your electricity prices are way higher, but you are lowering the earth’s temperature by 2 degrees in the year 2150. Yes, the entire grid is destabilized and we now have to worry about blackouts that never happened in the 100 years before this, but that is the fault of the greedy fossil fuel CEOs and that fascist Greg Abbott.”

The latest goal-post-moving comes from local socialist Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party and HUGE champion of open borders, as he re-tweets some garbage his boyfriend O’Rourke posted…

They are NOT IMMIGRANTS!! They are illegal border jumpers – and thus, criminals by definition.

So here we go again…

** – “There IS no crisis at the border! Well, maybe people are streaming over illegally but remember the poem “give me your poor, your huddled masses.” Ok, maybe they ARE overrunning the welfare system but we need more workers here anyways, so this invasion is actually good for us.”

See how that works?

Francis O’Rourke knows about as much as Comrade Clayton when it comes to the economy or running a business – since they are both deadbeats who decline to participate in the private sector labor force and instead sponge off of mom and dad.

There are a few gaping holes in Comrade Clayton’s “logic” here:

#1 – We definitely have labor shortages – but they are in SKILLED positions. Airplane mechanics, pilots, air-traffic controllers, surgeons, chip fabrication plant engineers, tech project managers, etc.

The third-world trash pouring over the borders are barely literate in their OWN language. Most don’t speak any English at all – and are overwhelmingly rural people from countries where “fourth-, fifth-, sixth-grade educations are the norm. They are here for a handout – that is a fact. Why else is NYC begging for BILLIONS to take care of these people? Because they are wards of the state.

ZERO skilled labor in this picture.

You think the guy walking in here from Guatemala in a dirty Ms. Pac-Man hat and a tattered shirt is a surgeon or a pilot? Wrong. Those Squatamalans are good for two things: picking coffee beans and raking leaves. That’s why God made them so short – closer to the leaves on the ground.

You think the 300-pound Nicaraguan chick with 5 kids in tow is going to be a net POSITIVE for the U.S.? Bullshit.

But I’m sure Comrade Clayton has a plan to EDUCATE all the third-world trash too! Just open your wallets AGAIN. Comrade Clayton Tucker never worries about paying more in taxes because he doesn’t have a real job with any income. So it doesn’t affect him one bit.

#2 – We ALREADY have a LEGAL system in place for foreigners to get jobs here. It’s called a “work visa” and people are vetted and kept track of. You want to let more brain surgeons from Norway emigrate to the U.S.? I’m all for that, if done through the proper channels – like every other country in the world does it.

You want to let in more illiterate, unskilled, tuberculosis-ridden trash from Haiti and Somalia? Go fuck yourself.

No, the bottom line is that shitbirds like O’Rourke and Tucker want one thing: as many helpless, illiterate illegals flooding into the country as possible. That way, after a few years they can include them all in some horrible amnesty deal or DACA “dreamer” bullshit like Obama did and say “oh, they’ve been here for years! You can’t make them leave NOW, you big meanie!” But those millions will STILL be uneducated wards of the state who want all that juicy welfare, free medical care and free education…so guess who they will vote for?

But other than all that, GREAT argument Comrade Clayton! You are a genius!!