Lampasas Sales Tax Receipts Crushed Again – DOWN 3.30% From A Year Ago.

Oh dear – this is becoming a worrying streak!

We have now seen EIGHT monthly declines in the last nine months.

After last month’s 1.75% drop, sales tax for February (actually January collections) dropped again – DOWN 3.30% [row 585 as always].

Texas as a whole was UP only 0.62% – so once again, Lampasas trails the state in sales tax receipts. This time by nearly 4 percentage points!

Lampasas may have to toss out their usual assumption that sales taxes will grow to the sky and cover the cost of every moronic project they undertake.

How did other cities fare?

Burnet: UP 10% – crushing us again (was up 16.5% last month) – our sister city must have a REALLY good economic development director!

Marble Falls: DOWN 2.81%

Dallas: UP 33% (!!!)

Austin: UP 0.27%