One of Comrade Clayton Tucker’s (SDEC-24 TX) many sham paper businesses is the Texas Progressive Caucus. It’s a tiny group within the Texas democrats that pushes for a radical anti-American socialist agenda. Think of them as the tiny maggots residing in a much larger piece of dog shit.
[Here is a link to their communist manifesto]
Anyways, Comrade Clayton took an online poll to determine WHICH of the anti-American socialist scumbags his “powerful caucus” should endorse this election cycle. Comrade Clayton Tucker didn’t actually publish the poll results. I’m guessing because the votes would be embarrassingly low numbers like 17 t0 10 or something.
But what he HAS done is provide us a list of scumbags that normal Texans should avoid voting for at all costs:

Roland has no prayer in the primaries. He will lose to Colin Allred (get it? He’s ALL RED?) who will in turn get stomped by Ted Cruz in the general. Once again, Comrade Clayton picks the losing horse way ahead of time like he did with Francis O’Rourke, Julie Oliver, Kristi Lara, Jonathan Hildner and many more.
Next up is a Muslim named Salman Bhojani…

…and we KNOW how much Comrade Clayton loves those socialist Muslims. In fact, TWO of the five people who “co-founded” the Texas Socialist Caucus are these two clowns – who are also involved in the Texas Muslim Caucus. Can you imagine if there was a Texas WHITE MAN caucus? The libs would explode with accusations of “hate groups.” But it’s ok when brown foreigners do it.
FUN FACT: Salman Bhojani swore his oath of office ON THE QU’RAN! NOT the bible. I think that pretty much says it all!

Just a quick reminder about what the Qu’ran says about those who refuse to accept Islam:

I’m left to wonder why Comrade Clayton doesn’t just move to Europe, where they are being overrun by such third-world trash who refuse to assimilate and who despise Western culture and values. Instead, Comrade Clayton would rather just stay right here living in mom’s house and import the scum into Texas.
Oh, and don’t forget that their main guy, their “Jesus,” if you will, was a guy named Mo-ham-head who married a 6-year-old girl and then consummated the marriage when she was 9.
But I digress talking about low-IQ third-world primitives. On to the details about Comrade Clayton’s endorsement:

Yet another foreigner. This Muslim Pakistani didn’t arrive in Texas until he was about 19 years old. At which time he worked at many gas stations and convenience stores (no, that’s not a racist joke – it’s true) and then somehow “became the owner” of a gas station and convenience store at age 23. Amazing! He just “became an owner of a gas station” after a few years of working menial minimum wage jobs! Comrade Clayton is about to turn 33 and he doesn’t own a pot to piss in!
Most likely, Bojangles’ Dad handed him a store, which is why Wikipedia says he “became an owner” rather than “HE BOUGHT some stores.” But hey, at least he busted his ass working minimum wage for those couple years – which is more than you can say for Comrade Clayton!
My guess is that Bojangles comes from family money and is one of those “limo liberal” socialists – like Greg Casar, Karl Marx, Carol Garner Doughty and Comrade Clayton himself. After all, you have plenty of time to go to commie rallies in Austin and San Francisco when mom is paying the rent.
Bojangles is in favor of all the usual horrible issues: socialized medicine, windmills and solar panels, an opposition to voter I.D. laws, and throwing more billions down the rat hole of government-run education. If you live in Bojangles district (House District 92), you’d do well to vote against him.
Bojangles other accomplishments include:
Meeting with the Texas Education Agency to discuss the crucial need to include the history and impact of Islamophobia in Texas’ school curriculum.
Passage of Bojangles’ bill HB 1883 ensuring that STAAR tests and EOC exams are not administered on religious holy days.
Kissing the ass of some Big Muck A Muck in the Dawoodi Bohras – Islamic hard liners

Yes, these are ALL such important issues to red-blooded Texans and Americans! Great job, Bojangles!!
Here’s how the whole “Pakistani Muslims invading the Netherlands” thing is going today….

Next up is the disbarred, ambulance-chasing clown named Ron Reynolds…

We already covered him recently HERE.
Ron Reynolds is a member of the Texas House, representing District 27. His accomplishments include getting disbarred for being an ambulance-chasing scumbag and shirking his duties as a legislator by running away with a Gaggle of Fat Morons on a private jet to Washington DC to avoid a vote back in July of 2021.
Up next is Rosalind Caesar…

This chick appears to be an absolute nobody who avoided work in the private sector her entire life – despite her telling us repeatedly that she has “worked tirelessly” over and over. She’s running against maybe four other people for District 139, so I suspect we’ll never hear her name again after this year.
Her “fresh ideas” include, in a nutshell: free shit for everyone!!
More endorsement reviews coming soon….