The minutes from the November LEDC meeting are FINALLY posted.
There was a lot of the usual “action plans” and “strategic plans” and “comprehensive plans” – the usual wheel spinning and exact same bullshit I have seen in the LEDC minutes going all the way back to 2004.
How the Business Pork Project Started 21 Years Ago (Spoiler: They Lied From The Start)
But I also found they are going to spend $31,690 [page 2] on signage for the Business Pork. LOL. Guess we can make the new Business Park “money wasted” total $7,231,690 for now. Although I’m sure I missed plenty of little $7,000 and $9,000 expenses that happen frequently.
Keep rolling those dice! Since you are blowing taxpayer money, you can NEVER go bust, right??