Clueless Commie “Proves” This Cold Weather Is Due To Global Warming.

I knew he wouldn’t let me down!

Comrade Clayton the Climate Cult Zealot is busy at work in mom’s upstairs bedroom (where he lives) masturbating to ERCOT dashboards and hoping the power goes out so he can squawk “fix the damn grid” like a quasi-retarded mynah bird…

Comrade Clayton himself wouldn’t actually be affected by any blackouts, though…because mommy’s house is just two blocks from the police station, which is “critical infrastructure” and thus likely to be protected. Just like fellow climate retard Loose Haywire.

The weird thing is that here it is at 8:00am CDT as I write this – the very hour that Comrade Clayton said was the “RIP hour” on his chart – and my power is still on! Bizarre. ERCOT showing 6 MW of operating reserves, too.

The problem, according to idiot socialists like Clayton Tucker, is “the grid” and they demand you “fix it,” without offering much in the way of specifics. Of course “the grid” is just the transmission lines and transformers that CARRY the power. The ACTUAL problem is not enough power being generated.

[This summer, people didn’t bitch at government to “fix the damn pipes!” did they? No – the problem was not enough WATER. The pipes are just a transmission mechanism. They are secondary and THEY work just fine.]

There is high DEMAND for power for many reasons: our state’s population is exploding thanks to libtards fleeing liberal shit holes like CA, OH, NY and NJ. Many of these libtards drive electric fagmobiles that are sucking down power as I type this.

Also, we have hundreds of thousands of fake “refugees” from Africa, Haiti and south American shit holes pouring over the border. They all want heat and light too!

At the same time demand is high, SUPPLY is low – thanks to retarded liberal policies that heavily subsidize shitty unreliable wind and solar while ALSO punishing plants that run on very reliable natural gas and nuclear.

When there is no wind, you get fucked hard. Who pushed us to rely on wind? Moron liberals, that’s who.
But the moron socialist told us that the wind always blows!!

In a normal world, this would result in sky-high prices as the market attempted to send signals to consumers to use less and producers to produce more. But the government has fucked those signals up too! Socialists like Comrade Clayton tell us that electricity is a human right, and nobody should be “price gouged.” Not to mention, people would lose their shit if they got a $2,000 power bill. So we can’t let the free market work there, either.

So what’s left? When you have very high demand, low supply and free market prices are not allowed? You get rationing – also known as “rotating blackouts” in the electric business.

You want to know who to blame for constant power problems? Liberal fuckwits like Clayton Tucker, Bruce Haywood, Grady Lucas, Stephanie Fitzharris, Carol Garner Doughty, Janet “Crazier” Crozier, and Julie Cain Landrum. That’s who.

The other obvious reason for high demand is the extreme cold.

Comrade Clayton tells us this very cold weather is due to global warming:

See? The lines are straight on the left and wavy on the right! That’s BAD! No explanation of the physics, no references, no footnotes, no links to scientific papers or anything else, so that clearly settles it. This grade-school drawing confirms that all the heat is causing all the cold.

[Pssst – don’t tell Comrade Clayton that the coldest day ever recorded in Dallas was minus 8 degrees Fahrenheit back in February of 1899. LONG before all the “global warming” bullshit got started]

Of course the REAL science is far from settled.

But why should we doubt Comrade Clayton and his climate expertise? After all, he is a “climate organizer” for Trade Justice Education Fund. Which means he goes and marches with clueless, mask-wearing college idiots and demands nonsense like “climate equity,” which is a bullshit, made-up term.

Here is the 33-year-old Comrade Clayton showing all the 20-year-old college climate nerds how “hip” and “with it” he is on saving the planet:

SURELY he’s an expert on climate after reading a few Facebook propaganda memes!

Then again, he’s supposedly a fifth-generation rancher about to turn 33 years old but is only NOW taking beginner classes. He was also publicly chided by a much smarter relative for fucking up the feeding of hay to his cows somehow:

“Hope you learned your lesson! You useless, fake-rancher retard!”

I’m guessing Robert Wright is a relative on mom’s side (Terry Tucker, nee Wright) who doesn’t even call himself a rancher, yet knows more basics than Comrade Clayton, the self-described “fifth-generation rancher.” LOL.

Very hilarious….and also embarrassing for Comrade Clayton.

Anyways, you can thank FOSSIL FUELS for keeping the lights and heat on today as wind and solar fuck it all up once again. Fossil fuels are currently providing about 85% of your power! Thanks to all the guys keeping the beautiful gas and oil flowing in these shitty conditions!