Local Land Whale Bruce Haywood Finally Lost His Mind.

Local hard-core lefty Bruce Haywood never really had much going on upstairs:

Is Bruce Haywood Still The Dumbest Person in Lampasas? [June 2020]

Bruce Haywood: The Man, The Myth, The Moron [Jan 2022]

He thinks Hillary Clinton is a swell gal, he believes Trump is a Russian agent who stole nuclear secrets and sold them, he thinks open borders are a terrific idea, he kept his poor high-school kid out of school because of a “pandemic” that didn’t affect teenage girls at all, and he was 100% all in on the masking and the “vaccines” too.

In short, a colossal moron – as I have pointed out here many, many times.

I EVEN mulled over the possibility that Bruce Haywood might literally be a schizophrenic back in September of 2022, and suggested he be institutionalized and DEFINITELY not be allowed to vote:

Clearly Loose Haywire is a schizophrenic. One day he says one thing, and a few days later, a completely different (albeit equally retarded) persona appears to yammer about shit that directly contradicts what Personality #1 said previously.

His family should really have him institutionalized. Mentally ill people should not be allowed to vote, either.

We now have even more proof that Loose Haywire has totally lost it.

Just yesterday, Bruce was on Facebook crowing about how INCREDIBLE El Frias is – the Mexican joint that used to be Bill’s Burgers (and Toupsies before that):

This is very odd all by itself. Just six months ago, Bruce was shitting all over that restaurant and vowed NEVER to go back!

But ok. When you weigh 350 pounds, your promises about food are rarely kept. Perhaps someone offered him a free meal or something, so he decided to try it again. Whatever.

But here’s the kicker: as Loose Haywire blabbered on about how fantastic El Firas was, he stated that he has never been there before! He claimed it was “our first time trying” the restaurant!!

Dude. Seek help. You were literally just there six months ago and even felt compelled to blabber about it on LCBN Facebook page!

None of this is a really big surprise to me. After all, obesity and dipshittery go hand in hand, according to many, many studies:

How Obesity Affects the Human Brain

Can being obese make you dumber and more forgetful?

Obesity changes the brain, with ‘no sign of reversibility,’ expert says

Research study conducted at the University of Cambridge concluded that obese people have less white matter in their brain compared to normal-weight individuals.

Then again, it may be more of a “chicken and the egg” thing: is Bruce fat because he’s dumb? Or is he dumb because he’s fat?

An interesting question.