Imagine my surprise when I saw THIS well-fed face on the cover of the Lampasas Dispatch the other day!

Swann is an “author” the same way Comrade Clayton is a “rancher,” – something she dabbles at and brags about but clearly cannot make a living at.
She wrote one book (which took her 15 years and was a remake of a Greek tragedy) but her REAL profession is actually a college professor – an occupation far removed from the real world. A fantasyland where results and competence aren’t necessary to pay the bills. Just tenure and showing you are a good little lefty soldier. Believe me, if she had to rely on her writing to eat, well….the joke writes itself.
[So, kind of like Donald Sutherland in Animal House]
I wrote about her almost a year ago when the idiots at the LEDC linked to an article she wrote filled with lots of kumbaya bullshit about the right and the left just getting along in small towns.
Being much smarter than the LEDC, my bullshit detector went off immediately and I saw this for what it is: laying the groundwork for the invasion of far-left commie scum moving from Austin out into our area. They have no interest in getting along. These are scumbags who cheer when their opposition is illegally removed from the ballot.

So, I spent a good chunk of time going through Miss Hogg’s Twitter feed to see just how loving and inclusive she is. Unsurprisingly, I found the usual commie hate, envy and insanity when it came to the topics of “insurrection,” sedition, trannies, “fascism,””racism,” white guys are douchebags, forced masking, anti-Second Amendment, BLM, George Floyd, voter ID is racist.
I won’t post all the screenshots here but you can see them on the previous post:
Stacey Swann is the Kind of Liberal Worm the LEDC is Trying to Entice Here.
It’s a good thing I DID screenshot all her commie vitriol, because her Twitter account is now shut down. Most likely on orders from Comrade Clayton himself because of that mean old Lampasshole making her look bad.

As you can see above, a two-year-old Tweet about Miss Hogg has a link to @StaceySwann that is no longer active. What a coincidence!
She spews some of the same “let’s all get along” bullshit in her Dispatch interview:
“I think the polarization between the Democrats and Republicans is bad for our country. People are not sympathetic to the other side and have a tendency to dehumanize the other side.”
You mean like calling the other side deplorables and Nazis and Russian agents for 6 years straight?
She goes on…
“I thought if I can go talk to people and show them I am a Democrat but have a lot of the same views and am not a communist or looking for open borders, but that we have some things we can actually agree about.”
She then lists ZERO things that we can actually agree about. She is vehemently against school vouchers, the Second Amendment, voter ID laws and secure elections, thinks George Floyd was a saint, thinks minors should be allowed to have their genitals cut off, and labors under the delusion that January 6th was an “insurrection.” So no, I don’t think we’ll agree on much.
As for her not being a communist or wanting open borders? Bullshit. She is a Comrade Clayton Tucker acolyte, as I wrote three months ago. Clayton Tucker is the chairman of the Lampasas Democrats and an avowed socialist. He admits it! Stacey Hogg is sitting right up there with him on the organizational chart:

Besides being a loud-and-proud socialist, Comrade Clayton Tucker also thinks national borders are “silly and racist” and is all in favor of Austin being a “sanctuary city”….

Miss Hogg is only spewing these denials now because the border issue has blown up in the Democrats faces. She obviously needs to distance herself from that.
Of course, Miss Hogg stands zero chance of winning this thing. I highly doubt she’ll even bother to “go out and talk to people” because that would require walking more than 10 feet. But just in case, I think I’ll send all those Twitter screenshots to her opponent David Spiller just to be sure.
Oh, and you can buy her debut/only book at Amazon in a hardcover version for the bargain-bin price of $3.47!