Another month….another year…and the joke that is the “Industrial Park” plan falls apart further. Literally!
Here is how it looked a year ago…

Food trucks! Vocational schools! Such hope! Such promise!
Such bullshit!
I took a dump all over this nonsense pipe dream many, many times…
My Drive Around Town Today: Brodie Estates and Industrial Park.
Yet here we are…another year passed. There is a grand total of ONE “RV” parked in the “RV and Boat Storage Business” as well as a bunch of junk prohibited by the agreement. But that’s not the funniest part.
The funniest part is that as of January 1, 2024 one entire banner is now gone and the other is falling down.

Gone are the phantom food trucks, the phantom dog park, the phantom mechanical vocational school! Of course, they are “gone” in the sense that none of that shit was ever going to happen anyways. Only taxpayer-funded imbeciles like Finley deGraffenreid and Stacey Ybarra ever believed this nonsense in the first place…which is why they wasted almost $40,000 clearing concrete at the demand of Martin himself.
Gone, too, is the phantom cigar lounge. Well, not really. They just decided to stick it in another place. INSIDE an existing business on the town square. LOL. Talk about a kick in the nuts. Of course, Finley’s nuts are likely very calloused at this point in his career after so many kicks to the ball sack – but the ridiculous $156,000 salary he makes annually surely constitutes a soothing balm for his abused gonads.
Then again, it’s the taxpayers who ACTUALLY get kicked in the nuts, since they pay for all this. Finley gets $156,000 to look like a chump but the taxpayer pays money for that honor.

The next big date in the “Industrial Park Agreement” is only 29 short days away on February 1st!
At that time, they need to “approve and execute economic development agreement for the project with the City; and finalize sale, purchase and conveyance of Property at an agreed purchase price of $165,000″
Will they purchase the property as promised? If so, what the hell are they going to do with it? They already failed to perform Phase I with the big “RV and Boat Storage Business.”
Or will they decline to purchase the property, as I have predicted all along?
We’ll know soon enough.