What better way to end the year than smashing some potato heads? I suspect there will be a lot less posts about local Lampasas idiot Stephanie Fitzharris in 2024 because she has FINALLY been smart enough to hide her radical wokester, antifa-loving, white-hating, race-baiting, BLM-loving, CRT-denying, neo-Marxist views on social media.
Now it’s all about the love, yo!

Sure you are, sugar!
As I’ve said a million times, the neo-Marxists and Big Government lovers like Stephanie Fitzharris of Lampasas never change their stripes. Her brain is mis-wired – just like her mom before her. Short of a lobotomy, she will never change.
Go back a DECADE and Stephanie Fitzharris of Lampasas was the same as she is now – a self-hating white who ridicules those who support small government, the Second Amendment, the Constitution and rule of law, whom she derisively called “Tea Baggers” back when the Tea Party was the boogeyman of the day (before Trump took their place).
Here she is “spreading the love”….
The SAME DAY the Boston Marathon bombing took place (April 15, 2013) there was Stephanie Fitzharris on social media assuring us that the bombing was the fault of white guys who want smaller government….

Of course, the REAL culprits were foreign-born scumbags Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Not exactly “Tea Baggers” from white-bread Connecticut. Or Lenox Massachusetts, for that matter!
You’d think that after you were wrong about EVERYTHING for decades (Boston bombings, masks, ‘vaccines,’ Biden, Stacey Abrams, HCQ, Ivermectin, wokeism, CRT, etc) you’d do a little introspection or self-examination after realizing your world-view doesn’t match reality.
If you are fat-assed potato head with a mis-wired brain, you blabber nonsense FIRST and ‘think’ later – if at all. That will never change.