Children With Liberal Parents More Likely To Suffer Mental Health Problems: Study

No way! Loons churn out more loons? That is a very big surprise, isn’t it?

In a sane world, most of these loons wouldn’t bother me because they wouldn’t have the right to vote for stupid shit like forcing us all into electric cars, shutting down perfectly good power plants or leaving the border wide open to invasion by fake refugees.

Unfortunately, we don’t live in a sane world and we all suffer because of these sick, deluded people.

Children who grow up in politically liberal households are more likely to suffer mental health problems than their conservative peers, according to a new study.

I never saw THAT one coming…

No, there are no scientists are saying that.

Begets more loons…

No, you are wrong.

Begets MORE loons…

Luckily the third loon in the cycle here is engaged to some “gender fluid” or “non-binary” they/it/them nutter and are thus unlikely to reproduce – hopefully ending this particular cycle of looney tunes.
