Another day, another 3,000-mile-round-trip junket to another socialist shithole city. First it was Seattle…now San Francisco.
Now, why would a rancher in Lampasas go to San Francisco for “work”? Was he visiting the fudge packers? Whoops, I mean the MEAT packers. Seems odd for a “rancher” with only 18 goats to fly to San Francisco for “work.” I mean, he HAS told us for the last 3 years that he is a fifth-generation rancher – so what other “work” could he be talking about??

AGAIN with the blue shirt? Did some handsome young boy tell you once that it was “your color” or something?
There are a lot of big words up there. Words like “algorithm accountability” and “building EVs” and “data privacy.” One thing is for sure – Comrade Clayton knows ZERO about any of that shit he listed. He’s just a commie grifter who lives with mom and pretends to be a rancher on grandpa’s land every now and then.
I suspect he goes to shit like this to feel important for a day or two. Maybe forget about the abject failure his REAL life is. Out in SF, he can tell all the fawning college boys he’s a “Texas rancher” and those dummies will never know better.
But of greater interest to me is that he calls this “work.” Most people, when they say “I have to travel for work” it implies they have a real job that, like, COMPENSATES them for their time and energy, with money and stuff.

Not Comrade Clayton. He gets $0.00 for all this gallivanting around to Seattle and San Francisco. How do I know this?
Well, first of all, Trade Justice Education Fund is a tiny pissant organization that has only been around about three years – and they only have 306 followers on Twitter. Highly unlikely they can afford tons of paid positions.
Secondly, everyone on the Team Bios page has a real title like President, Treasurer, Senior Advisor, Director of Operations, Organizing Director, etc. But poor Comrade Clayton is just a “Program Associate,” which sounds a lot to me like “unpaid intern” or “useful douchebag who will work for nothing.”
Finally, a quick look at the non-profit tax filings of his latest grifter organization shows us that NOBODY gets paid, according to their tax filings!
The list of top seven people in charge of the organization (Part VII, page 7) shows ALL of them receive ZERO compensation, benefits or salaries.
Part IX line 7 lists “other salaries and wages” – ZERO DOLLARS all across the board!
Also, Schedule O states specifically: “No one on the board of directors received any financial compensation from the organization directly or indirectly.“
If the Trade Justice Education Fund’s tax filings show ZERO expense for salaries/benefits/compensation over and over again, then there is NO WAY they could be paying Comrade Clayton a thin dime for all of his “work.” Either that, or they lied on their tax filings.
P.S. – also, Comrade Clayton is STILL petrified of a cold virus – despite being “vaxxed” and “boosted” multiple times! What a complete pussy. You can see the mask draped over his arm while he inexplicably takes a picture of himself taking a picture.