Stacey Swann Has Joined Forces With Local Socialists. Remember Her? I Exposed Her 18 Months Ago As a Fraud. LEDC Wants More Like Her Moving Here.

About a year and a half ago, the LEDC posted some drivel (link to drivel) from a rabid left-wing Marxist from Austin named Stacey Swann.

Stacey Swann is the Kind of Liberal Worm the LEDC is Trying to Entice Here.

I think the gist of the whole thing was the LEDC showing us that hundreds of lefty retards moving to Lampasas wasn’t such a bad thing. Swann tried hard to make her stories sound like we should all just get along! Big City Libtards were going to just move out here and assimilate into Red Country. They’ll say “hello” to the neighbor, tousle the kid’s hair and share a patty melt at the local mom and pop restaurant…or some such horseshit.

I knew right away that was 100% Grade A baloney. I do not STAND for baloney…

Stacey Swann is a raging, far-left liberal. Just like Potato Head Fitzharris and Clayton Tucker. Those animals do not change their stripes. Ever. Even when they are stabbed in the heart and killed by one of their dear “oppressed” diverse street thugs, they say “thank you for ending my life,” like the complete pussies they are.

Since the LEDC was so oblivious, I did the digging for them. The result was a cornucopia of rabid lefty crap on social media from Miss Swann, despite her public writings about all just getting along. She ticked ALL the boxes with her posts: referring to “the insurrection,” sedition, trannies, fascism, racism, white guys are douchebags, forced masking, anti-Second Amendment, BLM, George Floyd, voter ID is racist, etc, etc, etc.

I knew that a ‘woman’ who was THAT big (pun intended) of a lefty could not just bury her inborn envy and bitterness.

She was clearly named after the wrong barnyard animal. Swans are beautiful and graceful. I am renaming her Stacey Pigg – loud, fat and disgusting. I bet she and Potato Head are bosom buddies already. Christ this town is being overrun by libshits in a hurry. Thanks LEDC!!

I was right, of course. Here we are 18 months later and Miss Pigg has joined Comrade Clayton Tucker’s Band of Merry Socialist Morons.

It is no surprise she quickly glommed onto Comrade Clayton Tucker and the rest of the local socialists who spend their days trying to destroy the American way with dirty, filthy, evil socialist bullshit:

Stacey Pigg: “Yeah, I’m just looking to move into a nice little small town and be a reasonable, patriotic red-blooded American. No need to bring up all the Marxist poison and bile I spew daily. That’s why I am joining a group run by rabid lefties who think the border wall is “silly” and “racist,” who say that Austin should be a sanctuary city and who think drag shows for 5-year-olds is a good thing.”

Fuck you Stacey, you kumbaya-singing fraud. You’re in league with the enemy now. I don’t know who the rest of these clowns are (outside of Comrade Clayton and his mommy) but I’ll tell you now I hate you all. I’m going to mock you until you cry…and then mock you for crying.

Chairman of Lampasas Democratic Party Has YET To Mention Attacks On Israel. Clearly He Hates Jews Like His Buddies Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Greg Casar

Back when the incredibly corrupt country of Ukraine was attacked (after years of NATO antagonizing Putin) in February of 2022, Comrade Clayton Tucker (SDEC-24 TX) IMMEDIATELY jumped on the bandwagon and signaled his virtue with the rest of the lefty idiots:

Democracy?!? That midget Zelenskyy has cancelled elections. There IS no democracy, you moron.

Clayton Tucker (SDEC-24 TX) even hoisted a Ukrainian flag onto his parents’ garage, since he lives in mom’s upstairs bedroom. Nary an American flag or Texas flag to be seen there.

He did all this practically overnight. Besides, that was about the time it was becoming clear that masks and “vaccines” were a fairy tale so morons like Tucker and Stephanie Fitzharris needed a new drum to bang and a new stupid filter to put on social media….

Everyone conveniently forgot how corrupt Ukraine was – and instead decided to waste over $100 billion dollars of taxpayer money on a war that Ukraine had no way of winning. It was a giant money laundering operation, since Congress refused to implement any oversight of this massive sum of cash.

Oddly, there has been TOTAL silence from these same people after the attacks on Israel. Midget commie scumbag Greg Casar even got called out on social media for it….

As you recall, Comrade Clayton Tucker (SDEC-24 TX) is HUGE butthole buddies with Casar. At least, Clayton thinks they are. He kissed major ass as he was likely trying to finagle a job in D.C. with that parasite. They are both hardcore socialists who have never worked a day in their lives in the real world…

Comrade Clayton Tucker also worships other anti-Semitic commies like Ilhan Omar and Rashida “Sasquatch” Tlaib:

Note Muslim pin instead of American flag.
Ilhan Omar is a low-IQ third-world scumbag. She also married her brother.

So to recap:

Horribly corrupt nation with no democracy is invaded: Comrade Clayton hoists their flag on his house and publicly laments the “invasion” – even though he thinks border walls in THIS country are “racist” and “silly.”

U.S. ally Israel is invaded (they are a democracy): Comrade Clayton Tucker is completely silent.

P.S. – in the interest of intellectual honesty, which I value highly, I don’t give two shits about Israel myself. They’ve been at it with the Palestinians since long before I was born and will continue long after I’m gone. We’ve given them hundreds of billions of dollars too.

But I also don’t give two shits about Ukraine, either. So at least I’m consistent. We’ve got enough problems in this country (invasion at the southern border, rampant crime, rampant inflation, bond market crashing, communists committing a soft coup in 2020, our energy infrastructure being destroyed at the hands of morons, $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities) – we don’t need to go looking for more problems elsewhere. Tell Israel to use some of the quarter of a trillion dollars we’ve given them to do their own killing.

Radical Leftist and Marxist Sympathizer Stephanie Fitzharris Has Infested Local Community Organization “Vision Lampasas”

I wonder if Vision Lampasas is aware they have a radical, leftist Marxist scumbag as their Director of Marketing…

Longtime readers know this woman quite well. She was a very loud and vocal voice for the Covid Cult who used to stick her fat beak into the Lampasas Breaking News FB page – even though she lived in Austin (by way of Oregon and Santa Monica, California). She did this because her equally dimwitted far-left mother Janet Yoder “Crazier” Crozier (also from Austin, and Ohio before that) lives in Lampasas.

You can read about her far-left positions HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE for starters. Or use the search function with a key word like “Potato Head.”

She has pushed all sorts of insanity over the last few years: forced masking for adults AND children, forced vaccinations, trying Trump for “crimes against humanity” for suggesting HCQ might be effective against Covid, BLM, wokeism, CRT denial and a LOT more.

She recently moved from Austin (where she was screaming to defund police a couple years ago) into our little town – where she has tried her best to portray herself as just a normal, small-town patriotic American. She is nothing of the sort. She is a radical leftist and authoritarian who thinks Biden is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

If she had her way back in 2021, she’d probably be throwing the “filthy unvaxxed” into internment camps without a second thought.

Here are some things that Vision Lampasas may not know about their “Director of Marketing”:

She helps raise money for one of the most radical leftist groups in the country: the Southern Poverty Law Center. You may have heard of them – they’re the ones who labeled parents’ rights group Moms for Liberty as a “hate group” among other egregiously radical left positions.

She was also a full-throated supporter of communist front group Black Lives Matter:

Is there any more destructive force than the middle-aged white liberal woman? I suggest no.
Full support of communist front group AND wearing a useless Covid mask. A moron two-fer

Oh, and she’s all in favor of Antifa too!

She applauded local self-avowed socialist Clayton Tucker when he ran for City council a couple years ago – even though she didn’t live in our town. It is safe to say she would vote for a socialist City council member at the drop of a hat…

Want more info, Vision Lampasas? Well, you’re in luck!

She thinks CRT is a hoax – which makes even her own father laugh in her face. I swear, how her dad raised TWO far-left commie retards (her sister is Sonja Powell in the above BLM screenshot) is beyond me. I’d disown the filthy commie if she were my daughter.

You hear that, Vision Lampasas? If you are of the (correct) belief that CRT is a bunch of commie horseshit that turns the entire world into “oppressor” or “the oppressed,” then you are just a stupid old person who is being manipulated. Stephanie Fitzharris says so. I’m sure she knows a lot about educating kids and communism…her oldest son was ALSO very much in love with communism out there in Oregon where he lives with his gender-fluid she/he freak named Badger…

She is also VERY woke – even though she has no clue what it really means….

Yeah Dad! Tell that bitch what’s what! Butt out, you idiot Potato Headed Marxist clown horn!

Tell you what, Vision Lampasas: I’ll donate $1,500 to your group if you fire this moron and NEVER let her have any association with Vision Lampasas again. Deal?

Local Commie Pervert Grady Lucas (Who Can’t Spell) Ridicules Poor Spelling

There are few people in town with a bigger gap between how smart they THINK they are, and how smart they ACTUALLY are than local drag-queen-lover and gay porn pusher Grady Lucas.

Grady spends most of his time on social media badmouthing “Texas rednecks” and “Nazis” and “stupid MAGA idiots” in general:

Today Grady is making fun of a sign at the Texas State Fair:

One wonders why Grady doesn’t just move up to the “civilized” area of the country – like New York or Massachusetts. My guess is because his mom doesn’t own a house up there, so he’d have nowhere to live.

You see, after he ran his business into the ground (like a super smart person would do), he moved into dear old mom’s house over on Ridge Street. That’s after he tossed her into a nursing home, of course. At least fellow soy-boy commie loser Comrade Clayton has the decency to allow his mom to stay in the house he sponges.

Poor Norma. How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child, as King Lear said.

Grady must have forgotten that he HIMSELF has no idea how to spell the word “sore.” The guy who swallows his husband’s cock was complaining publicly on the Internet about his “soar” throat not too long ago:

Such a sophisticated and educated homosexual is he! He’s also SO smart that he keeps getting the “vaccine” and booster shots over and over and over again, DESPITE catching Covid repeatedly! How’s THAT for a genius!

But let’s get back to how stupid and uneducated all the MAGA Texans are.

I myself started to wonder what kind of moron would spell that big state fair sign wrong. You know what I came up with? I’ll bet you a MILLION dollars that it was fucked up by some diversity hire named Shaniqua Jackson or Conchita Hernandez-Villalobos or some fucking DREAMER from Venezuela (or Haiti or Honduras or Somalia or other third-world dump) who can’t even read or write in their native language.

I also have no doubt that some woke moron like Grady Lucas hired that person. Because he is better than you and OH, so sophisticated.

You know what else I think, you woke drag-queen-loving shit bird? I think we are probably ranked #38 in the nation for a very similar reason: our schools are infested with a few million illegals who can’t even spell their names in their mother tongue and who drag down the test scores for the entire state.

It probably won’t surprise you to know that a commie like Grady Lucas wants even MORE third-world animals pouring into the country unfettered. He’d prefer that they, too, are as queer as he is. The browner and gayer, the better – as far as Grady Lucas is concerned:

Of course, this same asshole who thinks we should have no borders or walls and just let every piece of shit from every country come pouring in for billions in free shit sings a very different tune when it comes to his OWN his MOM’s house where he lives:

Wow! Gates, fences, more fences (electrified, no less) and THREE warning signs about cameras and dogs and NO TRESSPASSING! It’s almost like he’s trying to keep people OUT! Goodness me!

Hypocrite much, you complete ass hat?

As Disgraced Scumbag Sam Bankman-Fried Goes On Trial – Remember This…

Here is a list of ALL the people SBF donated to – most of whom have not bothered to return the money he scammed off of thousands of victims.

Note that it is almost ALL democrats (blue) and a few RINO pieces of shit like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski. Also note the Texas Democratic Party is right up there in the top fifteen names:

SBF’s “Protect Our Future” PAC also donated a million bucks to Jasmine Crockett – a low-IQ socialist scumbag idolized by Comrade Clayton himself:

Crockett and Tubby

She makes Sandy Cortez look like Einstein. I love how the Louis Vuitton pin is bigger than her Congressional pin.

Nice wig.

Seriously…Is It Christmas Or Something?

ANOTHER loudmouth Social Justice Warrior stabbed and killed? This time on CCTV?

And his idiot girlfriend (who is a rabid BLM clown who thinks All Cops Are Bastards) was there to witness her man stabbed in the heart by a “diverse” criminal?

My cup runneth over!

Thank you, Jesus! Keep ’em coming. I haven’t had joy like this since all the morons screaming at us to get vaccinated dropped dead a few months later. If this keeps up, there will be a few hundred thousand less libshits around to vote by next November!

If Clayton Tucker had a son…

What is the proper way to react to this? Mockery? A little milk, a little cookies? Unbridled joy? All of the above?

Local Socialist Bum Now Sponging Mom’s Truck?

Comrade Clayton Tucker – who is the Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party and SDEC-24 TX – appears to have sponged off his mother yet again.

It’s not enough that she gave him life, paid $80,000 for his useless “International Relations” college degree AND lets him live in her house at the ripe old age of almost 33 years old. I think she may have also handed him her truck…

Yeah, because high-speed rail makes SO much sense out in rural areas. Fucking moron.

Wait a sec – “YOUR” truck? You don’t have a truck. You drive this laughable turd that only a female would be caught dead in…

Now, I KNOW that Comrade Clayton didn’t go out and buy a truck on his own. He can’t even afford his own place to live and doesn’t have a real job. So either Daddy sold him Red Thunder (the truck he tried to sell photos of) for $1 and now Red Thunder is HIS (very doubtful)…


Mommy signed over her little orange truck to Comrade Clayton so he can look the part of Fake Rancher. I guess the 2014 diesel died on him. This will be VERY easy to find out. I’m going to be bored with the rain ruining outside work this week, so I think I’ll do a little research into WHO exactly owns the trucks over there.

What’s really embarrassing is that Comrade Clayton – who never shuts up about saving the planet and thinks heavily subsidized pinwheels are a great idea – lives in a family that owns THREE vehicles, TWO of which are “gas guzzling” internal combustion engine trucks! It’s especially hilarious because mom is retired from her cushy government job and Comrade Clayton “works virtually – so why do they need so many vehicles in the first place? Just another example of liberal greentard hypocrisy.

World’s first Virtual Rancher!

How awful for Mother Earth. Shouldn’t you be driving some electric fagmobile like a Prius or something? Douche bag.

Lefty Dirtbags Being Killed And Carjacked. I Couldn’t Be Happier.

Proof that God loves me and wants me to be happy.

Usually, all the moronic policies pushed by leftards, greentards, Marxists and BLM idiots (defund police, open borders, pinwheel subsidies, free stuff) end up hurting tens of millions of people who wanted nothing to do with those obviously failed policies. Those of us who are smart and rational suffer for the voting choices of morons.

But sometimes, the assholes who wanted this stuff get it good and hard. And they deserve every bit of it. The day when Comrade Clayton gets carjacked at gunpoint in Austin will be the highlight of it all. Until then, I’ll just take joy in other assholes suffering for their poor policy choices.

BAHAHAHAHA. Stupid asshole.

Philadelphia journalist Josh Kruger shot, killed inside Point Breeze neighborhood home.

Josh was a mouthy little prick who constantly mocked conservatives who claimed cities run by libshits (like Philly) were turning into absolute hell holes.

I hope he remembered that when he was crawling around on the sidewalk with seven bullet holes in him, right before he died.