I Think I Found A “Girl” For Clayton Tucker.

These are the kind of freaks we are supposed to play along with on the whole “respect my pronouns” bullshit. Absolute insanity. Makes me wish I was back in my 20s and waiting tables again. Would love nothing more than to call this retard “sir” over and over again.

What the FUCK happened to this country?! Any sane person would smack this asshole into next Tuesday after pointing and laughing at him.

But instead, we have a large portion of libtards (Clayton Tucker, Bruce Haywood, Grady Lucas, Stephanie Fitzharris types) telling us we need to accept these shit heads at face value and call them “she” or else it’s a hate crime or something. This sad, sad little man needs to get ridiculed, not coddled.

Reminder: this is NOT a parody. This shit is for real.