Voting Next Tuesday

I’m an old-fashioned kind of guy. Over 35 years, three states and five different cities, I have NEVER once used that early-voting bullshit. I don’t trust it. I like to pull the lever in person. Next Tuesday, we get to vote on a bunch of props. I don’t care about all of them, but there are a few that I think are important:

Prop 1 – has to do with ag use rights. I have heard there are farmers on both side of this, but from what I can tell,voting YES on Prop One is the way to go.

Prop 2 – childcare stuff. Sounds like a carveout. I will likely ignore this or vote NO. Not high on my list of importance.

Prop 3WEALTH TAX! This is a big one. Commie pieces of shit like Clayton Tucker want a NO on this – because commie scum want to leave the door open to taxing you on everything you own. Fuck that. Vote YES on Prop Three. This is probably THE most important prop on the ballot, if you care about freedom and smaller government and want to kick socialist scumbags in the balls.

Prop 4 – Property tax reduction. No brainer. We property owners have been getting gouged hard the last 5 years. Time for that shit to end. Vote YES to raise the exemption.

Prop 5 – Don’t care

Prop 6 – Water fund. Sounds good but also sounds like it could be a huge new bureaucracy that bleeds us dry. Texas definitely needs to work on water infrastructure – but they have managed to do so already WITHOUT this fund, so I’m on the fence. It’s a shame all the environmental wackos wasted $100 billion on idiotic unreliable pinwheels when we could have spent that building new reservoirs, desalinization plants and water treatment plants.

Prop 7 – RELIABLE GRID – another BIG one. This directs Texas to build more REALIABLE power sources like nat gas turbines. This will help save us from the stupidity of the pinwheels and solar farms. Environmental wackos will be screaming to vote NO on this – and that’s all you need to know. Be sure to VOTE YES on Prop Seven!!!

Prop 8 – Broadband. Sounds like “free shit” to me. Go buy your own Internet. I live in the middle of nowhere rural Texas for the last 12 years and I’ve managed to pay my own way. You can too. Maybe give up your $8 Starbucks every day. Vote NO to more free shit.

Prop 9 – COLA for retired teachers. My teacher friends are going to hate me for this,but VOTE NO on Prop 9. If your pension fund (which taxpayers have already contributed to) isn’t keeping up, then go talk to the morons managing your fund. Maybe tell those assholes to stop spending hundreds of millions of dollars for fancy new headquarters:

Texas Teacher Retirement System pays $116.6 million for first stage of new Austin headquarters

Also, the teachers unions vote for libtards at about a 90% rate. All this inflation you are experiencing is thanks to your buddy Biden who YOU voted into office. You made your bed…now lie in it. Enough of this shit.

Prop 10 – Biomedical equipment tax exemption. Sounds like a carveout. Fuck that. Some of the most overpaid and underworked fuckers I know are in the sales of biomed equipment. They are already swimming in free gov money and other carveouts. They don’t need another. You get treated like any other business. Vote NO op Prop 10.

Props 11 and 12 – don’t care.

Prop 13 – Allowing decrepit old fart judges stay in office even LONGER. It raises mandatory retirement age of justices and judges from 75 to 79. VOTE NO on Prop 13!!!. We have one of these old, demented morons in Lampasas named John Gaunt, and he needs to go. I’d rather go the other way and force them to retire by 70.

Prop 14 – don’t care.