I wonder if Vision Lampasas is aware they have a radical, leftist Marxist scumbag as their Director of Marketing…

Longtime readers know this woman quite well. She was a very loud and vocal voice for the Covid Cult who used to stick her fat beak into the Lampasas Breaking News FB page – even though she lived in Austin (by way of Oregon and Santa Monica, California). She did this because her equally dimwitted far-left mother Janet Yoder “Crazier” Crozier (also from Austin, and Ohio before that) lives in Lampasas.
You can read about her far-left positions HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE for starters. Or use the search function with a key word like “Potato Head.”
She has pushed all sorts of insanity over the last few years: forced masking for adults AND children, forced vaccinations, trying Trump for “crimes against humanity” for suggesting HCQ might be effective against Covid, BLM, wokeism, CRT denial and a LOT more.
She recently moved from Austin (where she was screaming to defund police a couple years ago) into our little town – where she has tried her best to portray herself as just a normal, small-town patriotic American. She is nothing of the sort. She is a radical leftist and authoritarian who thinks Biden is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

If she had her way back in 2021, she’d probably be throwing the “filthy unvaxxed” into internment camps without a second thought.
Here are some things that Vision Lampasas may not know about their “Director of Marketing”:
She helps raise money for one of the most radical leftist groups in the country: the Southern Poverty Law Center. You may have heard of them – they’re the ones who labeled parents’ rights group Moms for Liberty as a “hate group” among other egregiously radical left positions.
She was also a full-throated supporter of communist front group Black Lives Matter:

Oh, and she’s all in favor of Antifa too!

She applauded local self-avowed socialist Clayton Tucker when he ran for City council a couple years ago – even though she didn’t live in our town. It is safe to say she would vote for a socialist City council member at the drop of a hat…

Want more info, Vision Lampasas? Well, you’re in luck!
She thinks CRT is a hoax – which makes even her own father laugh in her face. I swear, how her dad raised TWO far-left commie retards (her sister is Sonja Powell in the above BLM screenshot) is beyond me. I’d disown the filthy commie if she were my daughter.

You hear that, Vision Lampasas? If you are of the (correct) belief that CRT is a bunch of commie horseshit that turns the entire world into “oppressor” or “the oppressed,” then you are just a stupid old person who is being manipulated. Stephanie Fitzharris says so. I’m sure she knows a lot about educating kids and communism…her oldest son was ALSO very much in love with communism out there in Oregon where he lives with his gender-fluid she/he freak named Badger…

She is also VERY woke – even though she has no clue what it really means….

Yeah Dad! Tell that bitch what’s what! Butt out, you idiot Potato Headed Marxist clown horn!
Tell you what, Vision Lampasas: I’ll donate $1,500 to your group if you fire this moron and NEVER let her have any association with Vision Lampasas again. Deal?