There are few people in town with a bigger gap between how smart they THINK they are, and how smart they ACTUALLY are than local drag-queen-lover and gay porn pusher Grady Lucas.
Grady spends most of his time on social media badmouthing “Texas rednecks” and “Nazis” and “stupid MAGA idiots” in general:

Today Grady is making fun of a sign at the Texas State Fair:

One wonders why Grady doesn’t just move up to the “civilized” area of the country – like New York or Massachusetts. My guess is because his mom doesn’t own a house up there, so he’d have nowhere to live.
You see, after he ran his business into the ground (like a super smart person would do), he moved into dear old mom’s house over on Ridge Street. That’s after he tossed her into a nursing home, of course. At least fellow soy-boy commie loser Comrade Clayton has the decency to allow his mom to stay in the house he sponges.

Grady must have forgotten that he HIMSELF has no idea how to spell the word “sore.” The guy who swallows his husband’s cock was complaining publicly on the Internet about his “soar” throat not too long ago:

Such a sophisticated and educated homosexual is he! He’s also SO smart that he keeps getting the “vaccine” and booster shots over and over and over again, DESPITE catching Covid repeatedly! How’s THAT for a genius!

But let’s get back to how stupid and uneducated all the MAGA Texans are.
I myself started to wonder what kind of moron would spell that big state fair sign wrong. You know what I came up with? I’ll bet you a MILLION dollars that it was fucked up by some diversity hire named Shaniqua Jackson or Conchita Hernandez-Villalobos or some fucking DREAMER from Venezuela (or Haiti or Honduras or Somalia or other third-world dump) who can’t even read or write in their native language.
I also have no doubt that some woke moron like Grady Lucas hired that person. Because he is better than you and OH, so sophisticated.

You know what else I think, you woke drag-queen-loving shit bird? I think we are probably ranked #38 in the nation for a very similar reason: our schools are infested with a few million illegals who can’t even spell their names in their mother tongue and who drag down the test scores for the entire state.
It probably won’t surprise you to know that a commie like Grady Lucas wants even MORE third-world animals pouring into the country unfettered. He’d prefer that they, too, are as queer as he is. The browner and gayer, the better – as far as Grady Lucas is concerned:

Of course, this same asshole who thinks we should have no borders or walls and just let every piece of shit from every country come pouring in for billions in free shit sings a very different tune when it comes to his OWN his MOM’s house where he lives:

Wow! Gates, fences, more fences (electrified, no less) and THREE warning signs about cameras and dogs and NO TRESSPASSING! It’s almost like he’s trying to keep people OUT! Goodness me!
Hypocrite much, you complete ass hat?