I Think I Found A “Girl” For Clayton Tucker.

These are the kind of freaks we are supposed to play along with on the whole “respect my pronouns” bullshit. Absolute insanity. Makes me wish I was back in my 20s and waiting tables again. Would love nothing more than to call this retard “sir” over and over again.

What the FUCK happened to this country?! Any sane person would smack this asshole into next Tuesday after pointing and laughing at him.

But instead, we have a large portion of libtards (Clayton Tucker, Bruce Haywood, Grady Lucas, Stephanie Fitzharris types) telling us we need to accept these shit heads at face value and call them “she” or else it’s a hate crime or something. This sad, sad little man needs to get ridiculed, not coddled.

Reminder: this is NOT a parody. This shit is for real.

Voting Next Tuesday

I’m an old-fashioned kind of guy. Over 35 years, three states and five different cities, I have NEVER once used that early-voting bullshit. I don’t trust it. I like to pull the lever in person. Next Tuesday, we get to vote on a bunch of props. I don’t care about all of them, but there are a few that I think are important:

Prop 1 – has to do with ag use rights. I have heard there are farmers on both side of this, but from what I can tell,voting YES on Prop One is the way to go.

Prop 2 – childcare stuff. Sounds like a carveout. I will likely ignore this or vote NO. Not high on my list of importance.

Prop 3WEALTH TAX! This is a big one. Commie pieces of shit like Clayton Tucker want a NO on this – because commie scum want to leave the door open to taxing you on everything you own. Fuck that. Vote YES on Prop Three. This is probably THE most important prop on the ballot, if you care about freedom and smaller government and want to kick socialist scumbags in the balls.

Prop 4 – Property tax reduction. No brainer. We property owners have been getting gouged hard the last 5 years. Time for that shit to end. Vote YES to raise the exemption.

Prop 5 – Don’t care

Prop 6 – Water fund. Sounds good but also sounds like it could be a huge new bureaucracy that bleeds us dry. Texas definitely needs to work on water infrastructure – but they have managed to do so already WITHOUT this fund, so I’m on the fence. It’s a shame all the environmental wackos wasted $100 billion on idiotic unreliable pinwheels when we could have spent that building new reservoirs, desalinization plants and water treatment plants.

Prop 7 – RELIABLE GRID – another BIG one. This directs Texas to build more REALIABLE power sources like nat gas turbines. This will help save us from the stupidity of the pinwheels and solar farms. Environmental wackos will be screaming to vote NO on this – and that’s all you need to know. Be sure to VOTE YES on Prop Seven!!!

Prop 8 – Broadband. Sounds like “free shit” to me. Go buy your own Internet. I live in the middle of nowhere rural Texas for the last 12 years and I’ve managed to pay my own way. You can too. Maybe give up your $8 Starbucks every day. Vote NO to more free shit.

Prop 9 – COLA for retired teachers. My teacher friends are going to hate me for this,but VOTE NO on Prop 9. If your pension fund (which taxpayers have already contributed to) isn’t keeping up, then go talk to the morons managing your fund. Maybe tell those assholes to stop spending hundreds of millions of dollars for fancy new headquarters:

Texas Teacher Retirement System pays $116.6 million for first stage of new Austin headquarters

Also, the teachers unions vote for libtards at about a 90% rate. All this inflation you are experiencing is thanks to your buddy Biden who YOU voted into office. You made your bed…now lie in it. Enough of this shit.

Prop 10 – Biomedical equipment tax exemption. Sounds like a carveout. Fuck that. Some of the most overpaid and underworked fuckers I know are in the sales of biomed equipment. They are already swimming in free gov money and other carveouts. They don’t need another. You get treated like any other business. Vote NO op Prop 10.

Props 11 and 12 – don’t care.

Prop 13 – Allowing decrepit old fart judges stay in office even LONGER. It raises mandatory retirement age of justices and judges from 75 to 79. VOTE NO on Prop 13!!!. We have one of these old, demented morons in Lampasas named John Gaunt, and he needs to go. I’d rather go the other way and force them to retire by 70.

Prop 14 – don’t care.

Martin Punches Finley’s Nuts – Opens Cigar Bar On Square Instead Of Industrial Park (As Promised).

Finley must be starting to feel like someone’s little brother with all the nut shots he’s taken the last few years.

The latest spit in his eye is Martin opening the “cigar bar” over on the square – after two years of stringing the City along with some bullshit about building one in the “Industrial Park”:

Ouch. It wasn’t too long ago that one of Martin’s Minions was on Facebook yammering about how they had bought the property over there at the Industrial Park for the cigar bar…

So Who Is Lying About Industrial Park? Battle Of The Cigar Shops!

The property in question was the Industrial Park – where many, many horseshit promises have been pedaled for almost two years…and much money has been wasted by the City:

So, Martin demanded the City spend $38,000 to remove concrete for his “RV and Boat Storage” business but a year later, zero RVs and boats have been stored. It still sits empty except for some personal junk. Junk that is in direct violation of the agreement the City spent $7,000 drawing up between Martin and themselves:

Punching Finley in the nuts like that wasn’t enough, though. NOW they decide to just stick their “business” on the square inside of an EXISTING building.

I said all along it made WAY more sense to use an existing vacant space in town (we have many) than to spend big money building a cigar bar. I was proven right once again, because that is exactly what happened.

Finley is a life-long government bureaucrat and parasite who doesn’t understand how the real world works. He has never had skin in the game and has a cushy guaranteed job – so he has no clue what the real business world entails. Which is why his nutsack is constantly being used as a speed bag and his eye socket used as a spittoon by everyone in the private sector.

The whole “scan our QR code and we’ll come meet you” seems like the most convoluted and retarded scheme ever. Not exactly the kind of set-up that indicates they’ll be creating “a bunch of good-paying jobs” as they have promised in the past. Hey, but who cares? The City will pick up the tab.

As always.

Potato Head Takes Break From New Persona Charade: Scurries Off To Hang With Gun-Grabbing Gay Mafia Loser Garry Brown.

It must be exhausting to pretend to be a normal small-town American patriot who loves freedom, the Constitution, and American traditions when you are actually the exact opposite. Especially for someone with a mouth as big as Stephanie Fitzharris. She HAS to yap about her left-wing nuttery all the time because that’s all she has in life. BUT, she’s no longer surrounded by an echo-chamber of libtarded clowns like she was in Austin.

Apparently, Potato Head had to get her fix in because she was recently hanging out with Garry Brown:

Jesus Christ, Potato Head. You apply any more filters on that and it’ll be nothing but a white, potato-shaped smudge that vaguely resembles Miss Piggy.

Who is Garry Brown? This hardcore lib nerd:

Take a good look: this is Comrade Clayton Tucker in about 28 years. An annoying queen with a resume full of unpaid, bullshit titles who spends most of his time standing around holding signs complaining about non-existent problems:

If you are hanging out with a clown like this, you have serious problems.

He’s a deadbeat bum just like Comrade Clayton (and Grady Lucas), too! Despite being like 60 years old and having ALL those impressive titles on his resume, he still goes begging for money. I guess being an “organizer” doesn’t really pay the bills, does it?

Garry is the kind of shitbag who IMMEDAITELY blamed last night’s tragic shootings in Maine on….you guessed it: Republicans

According to Garry, mass shootings are happening because of Republicans. If you’d just vote for idiot Marxist losers like himself, the gun violence would go away. You know, because all those 90% liberal cities with gun bans like Chicago and Detroit and New York are violence-free paradises.

THESE are Potato Head’s REAL friends. THESE loons are who she has surrounded herself with for the last 30 years or so. She may try to fool you by hiding her true colors for small periods of time, but it’s all an act.

Left wing loons NEVER change their stripes. Go back 10 years and you’ll find a slightly younger but equally obese Stephanie Fitzharris bitching on social media about Tea Party “crazies,” banning guns and how white males are the root of all evil.

California/Austin Libslob Stephanie Fitzharris STILL Trying To Camouflage Herself In Lampasas.

Just when I think local commie and Biden-lover Stephanie Fitzharris can’t stoop any lower to try and erase her radical-left past, she outdoes herself.

Awwww. How sweet! She can’t POSSIBLY be vile commie scum! Her brother had autism! And he died! Please love and pray for everyone! Oh, and God bless the police!

A far cry from when you were shitting all over police in 2020 after that criminal George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose and you tried to deify him somehow. Back THEN, the police were brutal terrorists…

Radical left limo liberal retards are LITERALLY saying they feel bad that black people weren’t born white! Jesus Christ.

Don’t be fooled. It’s all horseshit.

What’s the matter, Potato Head? Word getting around town that you’re a far-left nutjob and Marxist worm? You having a hard time convincing people that I’M a liar when all I do is use YOUR VERY OWN POSTS against you? LOL.

Are you starting to regret the dozens and dozens of Marxist far-left posts you splattered all over Facebook with four different accounts (now erased, but I have screenshots!) the last 3.5 years? You trying to make people forget you were at the forefront of the Covid Cult, forced vaxxing, forced masking, the Biden loving, and the BLM bullshit and all the rest?

Much more to come.

Hilarious Biz Pork Projections From 2007: Perryman Group Projected $2.7 Million Cost Would Result In 9,800 Jobs and $1.5 BILLION in Economic Activity.

I’m not sure what the LEDC chumps paid for the “Perryman Group” economic projections back in 2007 [page 130], but I’m sure it was WAY more than the $0.00 the projections ended up being worth.

First is the cost projection. As you can see, the geniuses at Perryman figured it at about $2.7 million dollars….

Actual cost as of today? Over $7.2 million and counting.

But what about the BENEFITS? Well, Perryman has an answer there too:

Wow! A new job is created for every $350 in outlays? I thought that was a typo for sure, and the number had to be more like $35,000 in outlays. Nope. It’s $350 – which means that we should have created over 20,000 jobs for the $7.2 million spent.

Actual jobs created? ZERO.

As you can see, Perryman predicted 9,800 jobs, but that was with a $2.7 million cost ($2.7 million divided by their bullshit $350 per job number = 7,700 jobs). Since the REAL cost is now $7.2 million, we should have gotten about 20,000 jobs instead. That 9,800 jobs number is so absurd on it’s face, somebody at the LEDC should have laughed at them and demanded their money back. Of course, nobody did. They nodded their heads and swallowed the bullshit whole.

Perryman also told the LEDC that all that Biz Pork money created would “help defray the costs of public services and other infrastructure.” In fact, the Business Pork has had the OPPOSITE effect.

LEDC President Misti Talbert literally stood in front of City council and begged for (and got) $971,000 in Covid-relief funds that the CITY could have used for just about ANYTHING ELSE! Including public services and infrastructure! The Biz Pork didn’t defray SHIT! In fact, it pilfered money that could have been used elsewhere! How’s that for irony??

Mayor TJ Monroe ALSO sat on the LEDC board when she approved the pilfering of $971,000 for the Business Pork.
Talbert and the LEDC pilfered $971,000 over 18 months ago.

Are you starting to see the depth of the bullshit going on at the Business Pork project? Why I rail on it over and over and over again? Why it’s the biggest ripoff ever pulled over on the taxpayers? Are you starting to see the incredible amount of incompetence and stupidity on display by the LEDC over the last 20 years?!?!

Every single promise, projection and assurance has been 100% complete and utter bullshit for OVER TWENTY YEARS.

Turns Out Texans For Prop 3 Is Tiny Joke “Coalition” Backed By….Clayton Tucker’s Bluebonnet PAC. We Exposed Them Months Ago.

Well, well, well.

The “movement” by “regular hard-working Texans” to work against the “greedy few” billionaires (a false premise) is hardly a movement at all. Unless you’re talking about a bowel movement.

After perusing the social media sites, we find a few clues….

Wow! 78 followers! Sounds a lot like amassing 18 goats after five generations of ranching. He’s just a boss at everything he does!

Anyhow, so we go from the Twitter page to the website and see the disclaimers at the bottom…

Bluebonnet PAC? Now where have we heard of THEM before? Oh yeah….

Local Commie Clayton Tucker Forms New PAC With Kristi Lara – A Female Commie Deadbeat From Dallas.

What do we know about them? There’s not much to tell. Three nerds have donated a whopping total of $275 to Comrade Clayton’s latest grift…

Not surprising to find Comrade Clayton stroking an AdCOCK and BickerSTAFF in his free time.

Justin Adcock is a self-employed insurance adjuster in the Dallas area who got stomped running for Plano City council.

Jeff Bickerstaff is another insurance guy and also happens to be mayor of Sachse, Texas.

Tellingly, Comrade Clayton didn’t even contribute ONE PENNY to his own cause.

So Comrade Clayton’s Bluebonnet PAC paid for this Prop 3 bullshit…and their website was created by Grassroots Nation – which is ALSO a Comrade Clayton shell group.

So to summarize: Comrade Clayton forms Bluebonnet PAC, gets a few nerds to contribute $275, then he hires himself (Grassroots Nation) to do the website, gets a whopping 78 followers on social media and then brags about a “coalition” supporting this cause – which consists of Clayton Tucker non-profits like Bluebonnet PAC, Grassroots Nation, and Texas Progressive Caucus. LOL.

Yet another gigantic Clayton Tucker circle jerk of shell companies…which we have seen before – like when his “Trade Justice Group” had a “234 groups” sign a climate letter but it turned out to be more like 8 groups and a bunch of Comrade Clayton shell companies.

If we look at some of the “coalition” of groups supporting this latest Prop 3 grift, we see it is many of the same of Clayton Tucker shell groups that consist of him and one or two other loser grifters like Kristi Lara:

Texas Progressive Caucus is yet ANOTHER “group” consisting of Comrade Clayton and his laptop living in mom’s upstairs bedroom.

Many of the “groups” that purportedly represent “hard-working Texans” by opposing Prop 3 are actually just Comrade Clayton pissant non-profit shell companies…and as we know, Comrade Clayton is anything but “hard working.”

Instead of vilifying “billionaires” who actually made their money creating incredible companies and products that people freely trade their money for, how about going after the many, many scumbag lefty politicians who have made piles of money by using corruption and political connections to steal from the taxpayer trough.

I can think of a few. Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders…and let’s not forget the biggest hypocrite of all: Elizabeth Warren!

Bottom line? Get your ass to the polls on November 7th and vote YES to Prop 3. The last thing Texas needs is to vilify billionaires who want to locate here. Just ask New York about that.

Who is going to create more jobs for Texans? A billionaire like Jeff Bezos? Or a broke loser who lives with his mom, like Clayton Tucker? Like the old saying goes: I never got a job from a poor guy.

Clayton Tucker remains an envious little creep who cannot stop bashing, vilifying and stealing from those who were successful in life.

Little Socialist Consumed With Envy Is Lying About Prop 3. Wants To Legalize Even MORE Theft Through Wealth Tax.

What a life. Living with mom. No job. No girl guy. No prospects. Walking around looking up at everyone getting a crick in your neck because you got cheated in the height department. You try to be a rancher and all your goat kids get destroyed by those damned Texas vulturebuzzards. Just a complete failure in every single way.

Must be brutal. It’s a level of failure and uselessness that, frankly, I’m glad to never have experienced directly.

But it goes a LONG way towards explaining the bitter envy that consumes Comrade Clayton Tucker and drives him to work tirelessly to steal what YOU have earned. In his tiny brain that has marinated in envy for 33 years now, you can’t POSSIBLY have earned anything you have. He thinks the economy is a static pie and if you have MORE than him, then you must have cheated somehow. If you have MORE, then that must explain why he has LESS. It never occurs to him that his situation is due to his laziness, incompetence and inability to wake up before 10am every day.

Comrade Clayton Tucker (who is chairman of the Lampasas Democrats Marxists) is now pushing a “wealth tax” to remedy the situation:

This is straight-up socialism right here: theft and redistribution. Anyone who backs this shit is a domestic enemy and should be treated as such.

It will not surprise you to know that everything in this post is a lie and/or completely wrong – which is par for the course from a guy who thinks buzzards live in Texas and only eat dead animals.

Prop 3 is NOT about “giving billionaires tax breaks” – not even close. Here is the ACTUAL synopsis from Ballotpedia:

A YES vote means you do NOT want socialist scumbags being able to tax your wealth – wealth you have accumulated over years and years AFTER ALREADY being taxed to death on it when you earned it. You see, there aren’t enough taxes yet, according to lazy parasites like Clayton Tucker. Income tax, property tax, sales tax, capital gains tax and then the estate tax when you die, to try and grab even more. Not enough. Pieces of shit like Clayton Tucker want to be able to send you a bill EVERY YEAR for what you have. It’s like the property tax – only on EVERYTHING YOU OWN.

A NO vote will allow socialist scumbags to tax ANYONE’s wealth. It says nothing about billionaires.

The fact is that EVERY citizen should be shielded from a wealth tax – which is just a penalty for owning things. Comrade Clayton’s endless desire to take other peoples money by force is disgusting.

Reminder: the federal income tax was only going to be on “millionaires” too. That’s how they sold it. Don’t worry! YOU won’t have to pay it! Just “the rich.”

Today, pretty much EVERYONE pays it except for lazy parasites with no real job. Like Clayton Tucker.

MORE FALSEHOODS from Comrade Clayton’s drivel:

“When billionaires get tax breaks….”: Prop 3 has nothing to do with tax breaks for billionaires. Now, if you want to stop handing billions in SUBSIDIES to billionaires like Elon Musk, I am 100% for that, but Prop 3 has absolutely nothing to do with that. So Comrade Clayton is lying, as usual.

Funny that scumbags like Clayton Tucker have been completely silent for the last 10 years while Elon Musk hoovered up tens of billions of tax dollars in subsidies for his electric fagmobiles sold to rich people. Comrade Clayton was also silent while tens of billions in subsidies went to useless and unreliable pinwheels for generating power.

“Our property taxes rise…” – that is rich coming from a douchebag who (1) does not pay any property taxes because he lives in mommy’s house and (2) who is screaming NON-STOP for higher teacher salaries and “free” breakfast, lunch and dinner for every kid in school. How the FUCK do you think that gets paid for, you moron? Clearly you don’t REALLY care about property taxes rising because they don’t affect you one bit and they mostly go to pay for YOUR pet causes!

Yeah, Ramon there looks really hungry! Probably hasn’t eaten in several minutes!

“Sales tax on gas…” – another lie. There IS no sales tax on gas or diesel. There is a motor fuel tax of 20 cents per gallon. I don’t even consider this a tax, since it is for the very roads we drive on. It’s more of a user fee. I’m fine with that – as long as ALL the money goes towards roads and not towards retarded light-rail pipe dreams, like Comrade Clayton Tucker wants.

There is ALSO no sales tax on most healthy grocery items. Comrade Clayton is unaware of this because his mom probably does all the grocery shopping and brings the food home to Comrade Clayton Tucker – her son who lives in her upstairs bedroom over there on Western Ave at age 33.

So to recap:

Comrade Clayton is most certainly an envious and lazy piece of shit who loves the idea of a wealth tax and wants to take your accumulated hard labor. He is willing to outright LIE about Prop 3 to stir up envy in other bitter little unemployed midgets around the state.

Comrade Clayton is either (1) too stupid to know how things work with sales taxes or (2) willfully lying about it all to trick the other envious little twerps in Texas. Like THIS douchebag from the past – another bitter, envious little failure:

I can pretty much guarantee you that lazy socialist scumbags like Cade Snyder Hilgerberg will ALSO vote NO on Prop 3. See, he ALSO thinks that landlords just had a building dropped into their laps. They didn’t work and save and sacrifice for it for 15 years, or anything. It was all stolen from Cade Hilgenberg somehow. Cade Hilgenberg who “doesn’t like labor,” by his own admission.

“My high school co-workers” – I think that says it all, you fucking loser.

Lazy Gen Z pussies like Cade Snyder Hilgenberg ADMIT they have no interest in actually working then cry when they don’t have anything and decide they want to take yours instead. Comrade Clayton may be a millennial at age 33, but he is truly a Gen Z pussy at heart. After deciding they want to play, fuck around, sleep til noon and “be a kid” for all these years, they then wake up empty-handed one day and try to take what other people worked hard to earn.

I would advise Clayton and Cade to go and read “The Ant and the Grasshopper.” We have WAY too many grasshoppers who need to be smashed into paste.


Lampasas Sales Tax Receipts DOWN Yet Again: MINUS 5.43%. Now FIVE Months Straight Down.

Well, it appears the previous month wasn’t just an aberration. Things are rapidly unraveling in the local economy.

While the state of Texas saw sales tax receipts UP 4.51% year-over-year, the City of Lampasas got dinged hard: DOWN 5.43%!!

[See row 585, as always]

Last year receipts were $250,851 and THIS year, they are $237,216

OUCH. We are now barely up on the YTD number (+1.78%)

Luckily, City council just gave every swinging dick who works for the City ANOTHER raise for this fiscal year. Between that and the fact that nobody is ever fired, you can sleep easy knowing that nobody in government will miss a single paycheck during the coming economic train wreck. Kind of like during the “pandemic.”

As you can see, Lampasas did FAR worse than the surrounding cities. Economic development, baby!!!

Burnet: UP 8.32% (!)

Cove: FLAT

Hamilton: DOWN 3.03%

Marble Falls: UP 4.57%

Round Rock: FLAT

Austin: FLAT

Dallas: UP 5.56%

Food Trucks Finally Coming!

Remember when the City paid $38,000 to clear concrete from the Industrial Park? Then they paid their hack attorney JC Brown $7,000 to draw up an agreement for “Phase I” and “Phase II” of Martin’s Rod’s pie-in-the-sky plans for food trucks and a microbrewery and a barber shop and some other ridiculous shit?

Well the food trucks are coming! Just look!

Oh wait. That’s how it looked today. Not a single food truck to be seen almost a YEAR after the agreement was drawn up. I don’t see any boats or RVs stored there either. Just junk (in direct violation of the $7,000 agreement).

I asked the City secretary what is going on over there. It’s getting time to talk about Phase II, since Phase I was such a roaring success! According to her: “there has been no change in anything.” So – property has NOT been purchased. No RVs. No boats. No cigar shop. Just a lot of bullshit….as predicted 18 months ago.

No, the food trucks are HERE:

How about that! They didn’t even need to take $45,000 from the City to do this! Amazing! Using an EXISTING lot to try out this idea. I know Krab Kingz used to go there every now and then…which would draw that fat prick Bruce Haywood out into the fresh air with promises of gallons and gallons of melted butter….

I’m sure the Industrial Park will follow suit any day now….