Socialist Dunce Crying About Inflation He Told Us Was Over Two Months Ago. Bidenomics!

A mere 9 weeks ago, local socialist parasite and Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party Clayton Tucker (SDEC-24 TX) was crowing about how inflation was under control thanks to Bidenomics!

As usual, he was 100% wrong and this post practically bottom-ticked (see the red line I put in there) a pause in inflation before oil took off again like a scalded dog:

When oil goes up, gasoline and diesel are not far behind…and since gas and diesel are used to transport food and every other item on the planet – not to mention fertilizer to GROW that food – there was going to be a resurgence in prices. And there has been.

This is what happens when you close pipelines AND demonize the oil and gas industry. Nobody with a brain is going to invest tens of billions of dollars into an industry that the moron president is trying to make extinct.

So NOW, the same socialist dunce is crying about inflation – only he’s blaming it on the “greedy corporations” – like every socialist moron does in every failed socialist country…

Wait, so NOW inflation is at a generational high? LOL.

So if the “greedy companies” are making a mint and you are completely at their mercy (ignoring there is competition everywhere in a free-market economy), it must be an AWESOME time to own a company, right?

Aren’t you a rancher, Comrade Clayton? What is the name of YOUR company? You’ve never told us. Do you own it? Who does own it? Is it grandpa? Because looking at this chart of live cattle prices over the last year, the “greedy cattle ranchers” should be making an absolute fortune!


Prices have run up from $156 per hundred weight up to $187 – a whopping TWENTY PERCENT INCREASE!!

Oh but wait. In all your wisdom earlier this year, you told us that you were going to raise GOATS instead of cattle – because there was a “monopoly” in cattle, or something. Yeah, those 248,000 family farms certainly are a formidable “monopoly.”

Dumb shit Tucker – picking goats while cattle prices pop 20% in a year! BAHAHAHAHA. Fucking IDIOT!!

I think what this lazy, unemployed, liar and fraudster REALLY meant to say is “only people with knowledge, skill and motivation can make money in the cattle industry” – like it is “monopolized” by people who want to work hard and can get up before the sun rises…which kind of leaves a lazy retard like Clayton Tucker on the outside looking in, doesn’t it?