Is There a Shortage Of Socialist Scumbags In Texas?

Ruh roh. Some hardcore libshits who sit around all day and jack off to candidacy filing forms are in a panic that nobody is challenging a bunch of unopposed Republicans for Texas house seats!

Only THREE MONTHS to get your signed piece of paper filed! Goodness! Hurry up and get your ass kicked already!

It’s funny that local unemployed socialist Clayton Tucker (Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats) is the one posting this. He actually sits on the State Democratic EXECUTIVE Committee! His entire raison d’etre (and his promise when he ran) is to “turn Texas blue” by showing the way to electoral victory! But they can’t even get warm, stupid, unemployed commie bodies to file for candidacy.


Why should anyone doubt his expertise in getting socialist scumbags elected when he got his own ass kicked every time he ran for anything HIMSELF!

May I suggest that Clayton Tucker himself should file to run again. Go ahead and run against David Spiller, buddy. Put your money where your mouth is: you have 84 days to fill out the forms with your name, fake rancher occupation and mom’s address.

It’s not like you have a real job to interfere with your campaign, anyways. I have reams and reams of information, blog posts and evidence as to what a fraudulent, moronic, fake rancher clown you are. I’d love to hand it all over to Spiller myself.

Anyways – the Texas Caucus of Socialist Scumbags is looking for warm bodies to run for office! Are you right for the job? Well, take a look at our questionnaire and we’ll see!

Are you a bitter midget who has failed at life and wants to exact revenge on society by gaining power and telling everyone how to live their lives? Are you able-bodied but still live with your mom in your 30s? Were you stupid enough to fall for the fake “vaccine” and think that a cloth mask is going to stop a tiny virus? Are you petrified of a cold virus that only kills .01% of the people it infects?

Then YOU might be who we’re looking for!

Are you chronically unemployed? Do you enjoy being a freeloader and bum who mooches off of other people? Do you demand that everything in life be handed to you for “free”? Are you willing to rob hardworking people of their wealth so you can feel better about yourself? Did you major in some seriously stupid shit in college like “International Relations,” or “Gender Studies” or “Climate Activism”? Are you fully retarded enough to think that pinwheels can power an advanced economy?

Then YOU might be who we’re looking for!

Are you a lazy piece of shit with no skills who thinks he should be paid $25 an hour on his first day of work? Do you spend all day on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram reposting commie drivel and then call it “work”? Do you drive long distances to get your picture taken with famous commie pieces of shit like Ilhan Omar, Greg Casar and Sandy Cortez?

Then YOU might be who we’re looking for!

Do you think a border wall protecting the country is “silly” and “racist”? Did you fall for the idiotic “Black Lives Matter” lies about blacks being targeted systematically? Do you think a man can put on a wig and a dress and become a woman? Do you only date “women” with big, meaty cocks and a five-o’clock shadow showing under their makeup? Do you think the janitor who has been working at Toyota for 3 weeks deserves just as much money as the CEO who has been there 25 years and guided the company towards record profits while building a fantastic vehicle?

Then YOU might be who we’re looking for!