City Council Expresses “Frustration” At Ybarra’s Failure To Fill Biz Park. Wait, WHAT?!?

Well, you don’t see THIS too often! From yesterday’s Radiogram:

My god, Ronnie Witcher writes like a retard. He’s almost worse than Ryan Ward. That sentence make zero sense grammatically, but you get the idea: things are not progressing smoothly at the “new” (20-year-old) Business Pork project.

You don’t say? Gee, who has been saying that for over FIVE YEARS now?

Oh yeah….

“Shovel-Ready…Another Lie”

Misti Talbert conned them out of $971,000 over 18 months ago…and for what? Zero results, yet again.

I’d say you better get ready for a LOT more “frustration,” gentlemen.

Ybarra might have babbled on and on for 20 minutes [38 minute mark] on Monday night throwing out a lot of buzzwords, but the facts remain indisputable:

Current amount wasted on advertising “Business Park”:$50,000.00

Current amount wasted in total on empty goat pasture:$7,200,000.00

Jobs created:zero