Ranchers And Cow Pies

The little socialist sure is hilarious!

I’ve got one for you!

Clayton Tucker is a rancher the same way Jolly Rancher is a rancher!

Even a few of his lonely old libdummy ladies who follow him on social media are getting close to figuring out the truth. He admitted that he is never up before sunrise – which is tough to do if you have any kind of life or job at all….

He took a vacation from his life of unemployment and living with mom.

How does he sleep in? Easy. He just shows up to grandpa’s property at noon or so and then goes around and collects all the corpses of the goat kids eaten by vulturebuzzards. Any kids still alive get their picture taken for a bunch of old ladies to fawn over on social media. Then it’s back to mom’s house for a hard day of re-posting Robert Reich tweets. A Jolly rancher’s work is never done!