Coach Prime Douchebag Humiliated On National TV 42-6


Probably the most satisfying day of college football I’ve had in 28 years. Watching the biggest buffoon of them all – MEion Sanders – get humiliated like that was epic.

For WEEKS we have been subjected to the retarded hype: Deion is going to take over for Saban. Deion is going to get paid $50 million to coach NFL. Deion’s idiot clown kid is going to win the Heisman. Deion on 60 Minutes. The Rock will be in Colorado to watch Deion. LeBron James tweeting all the time about what a winner he is. Coach Prime Douche is going to the national championship game. His asshole kid waving his $20,000 watch in the face of the opponents. His asshole kid driving a Bentley.

These were the delusions of morons and bandwagon jumpers. Morons who claimed “he’s a winner…he’s a champion.”

I’m old enough to remember what a lazy, self-promoting, pile of of dung Deion Sanders REALLY is. He isn’t an Xs and Os kind of guy. He’s about flash and bullshit and hype. He’s a self-promoter. He’s Elon Musk with an IQ of 79.

He’s a clown. Always has been.

Yeah. I called it:

How does Prime Douche put it? “I have the receipts”? There is a receipt for you, asswipe. Time stamped three hours before the game – predicting a 36 point beatdown…which is exactly what you got.

Prime Douche said “this is the worst it will ever be” – wrong. You have much more medicine to take next week against USC. Hope you choke on it, you prick.

Yes you are arrogant – even after getting humiliated on national TV. It will take several more beatdowns for you to even begin to face reality.

Yes you DO say shit “just for clicks” – that’s your whole schtick. Perhaps if you and your idiot kid spent more time on watching film and less time on yammering on social media about sunglasses and “disrespecktin the logo,” and making it personal, you’d wouldn’t have gotten humiliated so badly.

But that won’t happen. Because he doesn’t care about the team. He cares about himself.

RELATED: Prime Douche tries to defend Michael Vick dogfighting charges.