When you are a “virtual” rancher as opposed to a REAL one, you can stay up until 1am rage posting on Twitter about how oppressed workers are and how overpaid “fat cats” are….

“Dignified” wage? Who gets to define “dignified”? What the hell do YOU know about dignified, anyways: you live with your mother at age 32!
You’d think the little guy with (1) no job (2) who lives with mom at age 32 and (3) has probably not been laid by a female in his life would focus on THOSE three MAJOR issues in his life instead of getting worked up about how much some guy in Michigan gets paid to put wheels on a car.
But you’d be wrong! Instead of looking to find a real job or maybe develop some skills, he prefers being unemployed and yelling on a street corner about how unfair life is…

Here are some comparisons you will NEVER hear the little guy make:
“It’s not fair that LeBron James makes $50 million per year and the guy selling beer in the stadium only makes $38,000!”
“It’s not fair that Tom Cruise makes $70 million for a film while the chick doing his makeup only makes $55,000 per year!”
“It’s not fair that Taylor Swift makes $100 million per year and her low-income fans have to shell out a ridiculous $800 per ticket to see her.”
No, he will never mention that. Because THOSE rich people are liberals…and they virtue signal properly. He only bashes CEOs, because they are “evil,” for some reason. Never mind that fact that LeBron and Cruise could disappear off the face of the planet tomorrow and it wouldn’t affect me one bit. Whereas if all the major companies in the world shut down tomorrow, we’d all be quite fucked. So personally, I value the companies a lot higher than the useless rich celebs he never criticizes.
Our local socialist also never complains about the super-rich politicians who amass hundreds of millions but never create anything of value in their entire pathetic lives:

[Don’t forget Al Gore – who is worth $300 million after pushing global warming lies to liberal morons who gobbled it all down and asked for seconds]
I’d rather see the CEO of a car company make $20 million before I see a useless cunt like Schumer make $1. He has literally NEVER WORKED A DAY IN HIS LIFE in the private sector. Kind of like Biden…and Comrade Clayton Tucker himself.
You know who else Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 will never disparage? Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple. That is because Tim Cook is a homosexual and raging liberal, so he is a protected species.
Here are some facts for you, Comrade:
*** Tim Cook took home over $100 million in one year as CEO of Apple. FAR more than your automaker CEOs.

*** Apple profit margins are 26%! More the TRIPLE the 7.5% industry average for automakers.
*** Apple has spent FAR more on stock buybacks than the $5 billion Comrade Clayton is upset about with the automakers!

So Apple is about 30 times WORSE in terms of “corporate greed,” to use Comrade Clayton’s terms. But guess what? Comrade Clayton HIMSELF owns an iPhone and very likely owns other Apple shit like an iPad or iMac. Because he is a chick and chicks own Apple crap.
What a hypocrite: typing about “corporate greed” ON HIS APPLE PHONE AND APPLE COMPUTER and posting it on FACEBOOK (Facebook profit margins 24% and CEO worth over $100 billion).
Only in America will you find stupid, spoiled assholes like Clayton Tucker raging against “greedy capitalists” on their $1,200 iPhone while posting on Twitter and sipping their Starbucks latte. What a complete and utter douchebag.