City Secretary Shirks Duties. Refuses To Answer Simple Question On Budget Vote. Why?

I have been asking some pointed questions to councilman Zac Morris and City secretary Becky Sims about the recent 4% raise that ACM Ryan “Dwight Schrute” Ward was crowing about on the radio the other day.

Specifically, I asked what the vote was when it came to this universal raise. Was it unanimous? Which council members voted for it? Did anyone vote against? I never saw this vote take place during the last council meeting.

Becky Sims didn’t like this. She has been quite snarky and uncooperative about the whole thing. I’m wondering why. Is she afraid I’ll blow up HER 4% raise? I mean, she DOES make over $95,000 in salary and benefits. Her 4% raise would mean another $2,700 per year. Is she denying me information out of pure self interest?

Let’s take a look at the exchange:

Lampasshole: I see a 4% COLA was agreed to. What was the vote on council?  Unanimous?”

Secretary Sims:This is not a separate item, this is part of the budget. The first reading of the Ordinance to approve the budget will be at Monday’s Council Meeting.” (this is four days from now).

Lampasshole: “According to Ryan Ward today on the radio, employees are getting a 4% pay increase. Are you saying this is not true yet?

[No answer for the entire day. I re-sent the question AGAIN today.]

Lampasshole: “According to Ryan Ward today on the radio, employees are getting a 4% pay increase. Are you saying this is not true yet?

Secretary Sims: “No, I answered your question.”

Lampasshole: “Sounds to me like none of this is approved yet. Which would include the 4% raise. Is that correct??

No answer AGAIN.

Lampassshole: “The question wasn’t really answered. Is the raise a done deal or not?  Sounds like not. I’d like a copy of budget they are going to vote on.”

No answer AGAIN.

So, the City secretary, whose JOB it is to answer questions and push paper like this for over $95,000 per year cannot be bothered to answer.


My guess? She doesn’t want me rocking the apple cart and fucking up HER raise as well. My guess is that it ISN’T a done deal yet. If she admits that, I’ll redouble my efforts to influence City council and deny some of these overpaid clowns another $5,000 in their pocket. So she figures if she ignores me long enough, it’ll all go away.

Just to be clear: for the guys who work for the City and actually do manual labor and who FIX THINGS and keep the water and power running – I have no beef with raises and retaining talent. If you’re the poor sap who gets up at 2am in a rainstorm to restore power and you want a raise to make your pay competitive with other linemen in the area – hey, pay that man.

But this “four percent for everyone,” including people like Ryan Ward, Finley DeGraffenreid, Stacey Ybarra and Jody Cummings who are ALREADY overpaid to push paper? That is bullshit. If you’re making $225k or $175k or $150k in salary and benefits, you don’t need a “cost of living adjustment” implying you can barely afford groceries or gas. Screw all that.

[Oh, speaking of gas, Finley and Ward BOTH have car allowances. So gas prices don’t really affect them either]

So – here we are…it’s 8pm and City Hall has long since closed. And STILL no answer from Sims. That tells me all I need to know.

Tick tock. Tick tock.