Lawfare Continues Unabated

Now we hear rumbles that the secretaries of state in several swing states (AZ, PA, MI, GA, NV) are considering keeping Trump’s name off the ballot, because “insurrection.” This is their final ace in the hole.

Yes, the libshits – who yammer endlessly about “saving democracy” – are going to decide you aren’t allowed to even SEE your guy on the ballot, because they say so.

Trump has not been convicted of anything. Trump is not even charged with “insurrection or sedition.” But that does not stop the parrots from screeching about “14th Amendment! 14th Amendment” all day long.

The commies who have taken over HAVE to do this. They HAVE to go ALL-IN, because if they don’t and the other side gets power back, they are in for a world of pain when payback comes. They simply cannot allow that to happen…so they will do ANYTHING (no matter how illegal and ridiculous) to make sure it doesn’t.

Remember how we got here. NONE of the following FACTS are in dispute:

1) They framed Trump for collusion to spy on his campaign.

2) When he won anyway, Comey’s FBI an off the books investigation on their own CINC.

3) When Trump caught on and fired Comey, they ensured the “investigation” continued under Mueller – the primary FBI Russia collusion investigator wrote that he didn’t want to be involved with the Mueller team because “there’s no there there” but agreed to do it to help bring about impeachment (he actually wrote this).

4) Mueller figured out there was no collusion a month into his investigation, but dragged it out another year and a half to keep GOP investigators from accessing FBI/DOJ officials, and to try to bait Trump into doing something they could call obstruction of justice.

5) The Democrats take back the House in 2018, shut down the investigations into spying.

6) Mueller immediately wraps up his task now that there are no GOP investigations to worry about, and hands the ball to Congressional Democrats for phase two: impeachment.

7) A CIA spy planted in the White House tries to leak the contents of a Presidential phone call to Adam Schiff, who then tells him to write it up as a “whistleblower” report for marketing reasons.

8) During the phone call, Trump asked Zelensky to put his people in touch with the Attorney General’s office to compare notes on what we now know is overwhelming evidence of the Bidens engaging in bribery, money laundering, and racketeering.

9) The Democrats impeach Trump for this, and limp-wristed, compromised Republicans (Kinzinger, Cheney, Romney) went along with the charade, just like they did with RussiaGate long after it had been proven to be hoax.

10) In 2020, the public health bureaucracy joined the fight against Trump, working with Democrats and the media to use COVID to benefit Democrats in the election.

11) 2020 color revolution on the streets of America as they tried to bait Trump into calling out the military, so that the traitor Milley could refuse and action could be taken against Trump.

12) The FBI works together w/Big Tech to engage in unprecedented censorship to protect Biden. See: Twitter files

13) Election fortified by “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

14) Milley going behind the President’s back with Chinese military officials.

15) Fed agents agitating for a riot on Jan 6.

16) Domestic War in Terror.

17) State & federal prosecutors using selective, novel interpretations of laws to threaten Trump with jail while the DOJ brazenly covers up plain proof of straightforward Biden corruption.

18) <—- you are here

19) Trump is still going to be the 2024 nominee, so it won’t stop.

This has gone on nonstop for 7 years, and has involved a vast public-private partnership of corrupt vested interests that have gone so far and crossed so many lines that they cannot afford, at any cost, to lose power.

As usual, the GOP is WAY behind. Morons like Mike Pence stand there on a debate stage and spout platitudes straight out of the 1980s. Newsflash: it ain’t the 80s. This isn’t Reagan versus Carter. This is a fight against a bunch of commies who pulled off a soft coup in 2020 – and they do not play by any rules.

They are busy quoting laws to men with swords, as Pompey once said. Biden and Mayorkas should have been impeached on Day One. If they had been, you could be instructing secretaries of state in RED states RIGHT NOW to start “considering legal options” to keep BIDEN off the ballot in THEIR states. You could be making statements about how Biden’s obvious bribery, corruption and racketeering precludes him from being on the ballot. Sorry.

Who cares if there is any legal precedent? Who care if it’s a bullshit argument? The Dems sure don’t worry about that stuff. They drag it through the courts and bog you down with garbage – knowing full well it will never be decided until AFTER the election. By then it’s too late. They did this in 2020 with thrid-party drop boxes, ignoring chain-of-custody tules, ignoring signature matching rules, ignoring post dates on envelopes that arrived days after the election, sending out ballots to millions who had not requested them, etc. Fuck the law. We have swords. What are you going to do about it???

Apparently the GOP will do nothing.