We already saw a lot of goodies in Part I. Now let’s look at the money being grabbed for “advertising” the corpse repository/goat pasture/Business Pork for the next fiscal year.
Keep in mind, the LEDC has spent over $50,000 advertising this thing already. The money wasting goes back even before the profligate Toups administration. Here is a discussion to make yet ANOTHER video back in 2015….

That would be “Statesman” as in “The Austin Statesman” – the liberal fish wrapper masquerading as a newspaper about 75 minutes south of us. Yeah, we handed them money to promote a goat pasture eight years ago. Zero results.
They have also paid Neon Cloud Productions to make at least two videos. I have no idea how many videos they are up to now…but I know how many businesses they have attracted to the Business Pork: zero.
Here was the money they asked for LAST year at this exact same time!

Let’s look at the advertising money grab THIS time around….

Also keep in mind when you read about the tens of thousands of dollars wasted over and over that, according to the LEDC, they get just TONS of RFIs (requests for information) from the governor’s office EVERY WEEK! They have been feeding us that bullshit for almost TWENTY YEARS…

Seems odd to have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on advertising when there is supposedly so much demand out there vis-à-vis the governor’s office.
Poor LEDC. Constantly tripping over their own past lies and screw-ups.
Don’t worry though! I’m sure the 2023/2024 fiscal year will be THE ONE for getting an incredible company to locate in the Business Pork!
Moving on to the next items….
Impact Data Source is a company that polishes turds for money. The LEDC pays them to do an “impact study” and show us what a GREAT deal it is to give incentives to clowns like Mike Cour at Eco-Strong. Unfortunately, they were unable to polish the Eco-Strong turd the first time around back in 2020…
Has The Eco-Turd Finally Been Buried?
Of course, Impact Data Source has every incentive to give them what they want, kind of like the ratings agencies back in 2008 did for the banks. They rated the banks’ mortgage bond turds as AAA because if they DIDN’T, the banks wouldn’t come back for more business the next time!
Who knows WHAT convoluted metrics they use to justify handing out tax dollars to prospective Business Pork tenants. I certainly don’t know, because I’ve asked multiple times for studies they have paid for and the City’s hack lawyer JC Brown has refused.
REsimplifi is yet ANOTHER website to list the Business Pork on…much like LoopNet.
No matter how much they spend, it will be for naught. The economy is headed into the shitter, interest rates are high and we have a pants-shitting dementia patient in the White House for another 16 months. Not exactly the kind of environment a sane businessman would EXPAND into.