You remember J.C. Brown, right? She’s the City’s hack attorney who bills them hundreds of thousands of dollars for boilerplate bullshit and to refuse documents to citizens.
She’s the one who was run out of Bastrop for “outsized legal fees”…
Bastrop Economic Development Corp. fires attorney JC Brown

[Brown, who billed by the hour, collected nearly $700,000 in payments from January 2015 until her departure.]
Lampasas HAS no such complaints, apparently. They just keep shelling out money to this dunce to hide document after document and bury tax-paying citizens under piles of legal horseshit.
The latest? The LEDC has been publicly posting numbers on their “economic matrix” every month. According to them, they get PILES of RFIs (requests for information) on the Business Pork project every year – for about 20 years now.

Lampasshole: Wow! Twenty-eight RFIs! Can I see the names of a couple of them, since clearly NONE of them are moving into the Business Park. You know, just to assure myself you aren’t lying your asses off about all these RFIs?
LEDC: No (said through their hack lawyer who bills them thousands of dollars)
Lampasshole: If you get so many RFIs every week, why do you need to spend $50,000 advertising that piece of shit park of yours?
LEDC: No answer
Lampasshole: Wow! A project win and 20-35 jobs created! What’s the name of THAT company? Just the name. Nothing else. Just a NAME!
LEDC: No responsive documents (said through their hack lawyer who bills them thousands of dollars)
Pardon me for my bluntness: but I think you are all lying sacks of shit. I don’t believe a word that comes out of the LEDC. I think Misti Talbert and her cronies on the LEDC (which include her brother-in-law) are quasi-retarded incompetents who have no business handling millions of dollars.
Fun fact:the LEDC also has NO written policy about conflict of interest and NO written policy about document destruction
You might hide every single piece of information I ask for, but there is one thing you can’t hide: your shitty Business Park is STILL sitting empty after 20 years and $7.3 million dollars.