Green Energy morons strike again!
With the sun starting to fall in the sky (as it does every day around now), clouds forming and the wind dying – all of the Green Energy morons’ favorite ways to make unreliable energy and an exorbitant cost are shitting the bed simultaneously.
Demand forecast at 79.1 gigawatts and supply at only 78.7 gigawatts later this evening.

Of course, should the worst happen, Green Energy dipshits will Tweet crap like “fix the damn grid” from their mom’s attic, where they live.
Fix it how, you ask? There is more demand than supply. The grid has nothing to do with it. There is not enough SUPPLY and no matter how many extra solar panels or pinwheels you could conjure out of thin air and attach to the grid, there STILL wouldn’t be any more power…because you have spent all the money on shitty power sources that are INTERMITTENT and UNRELIABLE instead of building more RELIABLE power sources like nuclear and natural gas.
The solution, of course, is to cut off the power to every Democrat in the state of Texas for 6 or 7 hours so that the fools who asked for this are the ones who suffer for their moronic decisions.