Contrary to what some socialist fools spout, the wind does NOT always blow. In fact, it is barely blowing now…leaving 86% of installed wind power sitting idle as reliable natural gas covers 60% of our power needs and saves the day once again.

Are we fucking Venezuela or something? “Hey, the wind died! When the sun goes down, reserves will get even tighter! Turn off your AC and live like an animal because a loud minority or retards are upset the global temperature may be 1.5 degrees higher in a 100 years after they are all long dead.”
I can’t wait until this whole moronic “wind power” fad dies out in five years when rational and sensible people are back in charge. I’m going to rub it in the faces of greentards until the day I die. I’ll be posting pictures of giant blades being buried in landfills and ugly-ass metal towers all over Texas falling apart because they make zero economic sense.
Until then, the power of every green-energy moron should be totally cut right now to “conserve” and the rest of us will live our normal lives.