What do you do when the head of “economic development” manages to keep the Business Park empty and produce no discernable results for her $85,000 salary (and $32,000 in benefits)?
Why, you give her another $16,000 and a $900 iPad to boot!

Yes, yes – only the BEST and most expensive iPad will do! She is a government employee, goddammit! We must pay top dollar!
I refuse to buy Apple shit so I have no clue what that stuff costs. I know it’s wildly overpriced, but $900 sure sounded like a lot to me. So I looked it up. It is. Plenty of nice ones available for $500…and plenty of “budget” iPads for $250.
But Shaub and Hudson don’t play that. You don’t spend decades on the LEDC wasting millions like those guys by looking for deals.
Did Mandy not leave an iPad behind? What has Ybarra been using for the last 8 months? A ratty old iPad that was, like, 12 months old or something? Gross.
Ybarra also asked to increase the “professional services” and “advertising” budget (presumably for the Business Pork) by over $8,000! Gee, why do they need that?? According to the LEDC, the Governor’s office is sending them PILES of RFI’s (requests for information) every week for free! At least that’s the story they have told us for the last 20 years. Seems weird you need to advertise that much when the governor is sending stuff for free.
[FUN FACT: the LEDC has spent over FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS advertising that piece of shit goat pasture over the last 10 years! With NOTHING to show for it. Just last year, they asked for $15,000 for advertising!]
Furthermore, Ybarra wants another $7,600 for “conferences” and “school.”
Yes, you read that right. She wants to gallivant around to more useless Nerf conferences like the one she went to this year:
AND she wants the City to pay for her schooling so she can get more letters after her name! Pardon my pointing this out, but Mandy Walsh had WAY more letters after HER name and she was paid LESS than Ybarra is getting in her first year on the job! How the hell does that work?
You know what happens after that? Ybarra likely uses those extra letters after her name (which Lampasas paid for) to shop herself around to other cities for an even HIGHER paying job. You watch and see. You heard it here first.
If LEDC president Lampasshole were in charge, all of these requests would be denied and the LEDC disbanded.