Jesus Christ. You have to wonder sometimes: where the hell does it all go??
The CARES Act gave $30 billion to schools. The COVID Supplemental gave them ANOTHER $81 billion. The American Rescue Plan Act gave ANOTHER $170 BILLION. So that’s $280 billion – or over a quarter of a TRILLION dollars.
The State of Texas just threw untold billions more at the schools.
You have Lometa going to 4-day weeks, even though they had enough money to blow $1.9 MILLION on a new track.
The LISD expenditures for this school year are going to be $43.866 million dollars. Just two years ago, it was $35.7 million – that’s a 23% increase in just TWO YEARS.
They had plenty of money a year or two ago – so much that they wasted SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSAND on an intercom system for a single school.

How hard did they shop THAT one around? I’m guessing “not very.”
And the school board has the nerve to actually tell us they need a new football scoreboard for $200,000!!! Are you out of your minds?
I wonder how many of the current students are here illegally. Are we even allowed to ask? Don’t worry though. Bruce Haywood and Clayton Tucker (neither of who pays a dime in property taxes) says a wall at the border is “racist” and we should let everyone in who jumps the fence.
Plus, somebody has to pay “Doctor” Chane Rascoe’s $177,000 salary (plus benefits!)