So, we got a good look at the CURRENT resume in Part I. This is the resume that shows he is finally abandoning the Fake Rancher Persona, at least as far as his on-line persona goes.
Oh, he’ll still wear a cowboy hat and play “rancher” for the little old ladies with the goat pictures, but he knows he’s been busted – and he needs to move on to the Global Warming Grift full time.
Here is the definitive timeline of how we got here – all of Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX lies strung together in one spot for posterity. When he decides to run for something again, I will hand ALL of this over to his opponent on a silver platter.
Graduates college in 2013, dicks around doing nothing for a year and then babysits kindergarteners for 9 months in China in 2014/2015. Quits that after blathering about how great China is and how the healthcare is SO cheap, etc, etc. But shockingly, decides to leave.
Dicks around “traveling the world” in Asia on someone else’s dime until he resurfaces in Lampasas in 2016. Dicks around another year until summer of 2017 doing nothing. He is now 26 and must be kicked off mom and dad’s health insurance by law.
His parents are probably now saying “hey asshole, we spent $80,000 for your useless International Relations degree…get to work – you graduated FOUR years ago!” so he starts some shitty blog called Organic Helicopter in the summer of 2017. It goes bust almost immediately. He also tries to grab a vacant Lampasas City council seat at this time – and fails.
Shit! What to do now? This is when he starts glomming onto loser campaigns like Chris Perri (loses in primary to Julie Oliver) and Julie Oliver (loses in general to Roger Williams). Gets a taste of grifter life from idiots like Julie Oliver and Robert O’Rourke. Also, Clayton’s mom used to be a government employee with the Railroad Commission and I’m pretty sure a relative got him an internship in Williamson County/County Attorney’s office during the summer of 2011. So he decides to go the “parasite” route with his life.
Maybe thinks he can work his way up the grifter totem pole working for free for loser grifters like Julie Oliver. In 2018 grabs a position (I hesitate to call it a job as I don’t think he got paid) with the Bernie Sanders scumbags “Our Revolution” – and pals around with Bernie Bros during this time:

[He becomes butt buddies with Jim Hightower at this point who he seems to worship. They have a lot in common: both commie nerds who pose as farmers but have ZERO practical agricultural experience]
Decides to run for office HIMSELF towards the end of 2019. I’m guessing he saw how unintelligent and unskilled all these other grifters were and thought “hey, I’m just as dumb and useless as them. Why can’t I run for office too?”
He was briefly a candidate for Texas House District 54 as of September 2019, but pussied out and withdrew, for reasons unknown. Possibly because he didn’t live there. When he switched to TX Senate-24, he listed a Killeen address. Considering he lives with his mom in Lampasas, that is likely another lie. I once tried to track down his candidate filing papers for that race, but they had been lost or destroyed, apparently….

He bitches online (November 2019) about “losing his health insurance” because he’s “decided to run for office,” like he is making the supreme sacrifice –this is a massive lie. One of the first Big Lies I caught him in. According to HIM (all three resumes), he was “working” for the Bernie Sanders communists at Our Revolution at this time – he was even a “State Director“!!

So the Bernie Sanders political organization that demands health care for ALL did not even provide health insurance to their own employees??? Hilarious! But they didn’t deny him insurance because he was running for office. That’s a lie. A convenient lie for Tucker to segue into how healthcare is a “human right” and we need socialized medicine – one of his favorite demands.

The first of many, many lies. But he never thought anyone would put all this together, I’m sure.
That gay-ass photo of him on grampa’s tractor wearing sunglasses and a hat my 83-year-old mom would wear is where he likely launched his Fake Rancher Persona for his campaign against Dawn Buckingham. He yukked it up more and more in every newspaper interview he did, laying on the country boy bullshit thicker and thicker each time. He made up bullshit about “the family farm” that would never be checked by anyone. Or so he thought…

….and by the end of the year, he had left a huge trail of lies and bullshit about being a farmer/cowboy/rancher – thinking he’d never get caught for it. He was EXTRMELY careless about interchanging those terms, too. A real farmer wouldn’t call himself a cowboy or a rancher….and vice versa. But we are not dealing with a genius here…and he never thought this would all catch up to him eventually.
Covid hit in March 2020 and it worked out nicely for him. He had no real job and was running for office – so he could afford to scream about “stay home, save lives!” because he already stayed home (just like Fitzharris, Haywood, Melissa Johnson and the rest of the losers who yelled at us to do the same).
So he spent countless hours doing retarded videos called “Tucker Talks” – this is where he switched hats and started REALLY going hard with the “cowboy/rancher” bullshit. I covered this fraud in a blog post:

[Spring of 2020 he glommed onto his first non-profit with some hard-core lefty hippies (Kristin R. Wright & Kelly Flading) in Killeen called Killeen Creators. He did a bunch of photo ops with masks on and lists it on his resumes – but he never does any work in those gardens or gets his hands dirty. The main driving force was Flading, who died in 2021 and was a TRUE hippie farmer – not a poseur. Now it is mostly a bunch of fat hippies who sit around doing art and creating safe spaces]
Like most women, he was EXTRMELY petrified of Covid and wore a mask everywhere. He chided his opponent Dawn Buckingham (who is a REAL doctor and accomplished surgeon) for being smart enough to realize a mask is useless against Covid.

After getting utterly destroyed by 40 points by Dawn Buckingham in the fall of 2020, he was back to being a nobody. He sure didn’t like that. He had gotten a taste for the attention with newspaper and radio interviews as well as his blathering on “Tucker Talks” videos. He got to sit there and act like he knows what he’s talking about (i.e. wind power) even though he clearly does not.
[At this point, every single campaign he touched had turned to shit: Chris Perri, Julie Oliver and his own (twice) with House 54 and Senate 24. He needed to aim smaller and get an easy win, right?]
So of course, he decided to run for Lampasas city council in February of 2021. This is when he appeared on my radar. He also ONCE AGAIN seemed to forget he was a rancher when he filed to run against Zac Morris – and listed his occupation as “political organizer.” May as well just put “loser deadbeat” with that title.

But hey, he got the address correct this time: mom’s house on Western Ave. Not some fake Killeen bullshit address.
Now he laid the “rancher” bullshit on thick again. He tried some “good-old-boy” connections to paint himself as a long-time local. In reality, he only moved to Lampasas around 2016. Hell, I’VE lived here longer than him!!

Bob and Ree (Rosalee) Wright are his grandparents on his mother’s side. THEY are the ones who own the “ranch” where Comrade Clayton goes to pretend at being a rancher – out on CR 2001.
In just 20 months, he had transformed from Bernie Bro, baseball-cap wearing, tuba-playing nerd to a good old boy in a cowboy hat and ranch wear who was a “salt of the earth” rancher! Amazing!

I bashed the shit out of this clown for three months straight – and exposed him as a fraud. He was subsequently dismantled by Zac Morris – losing almost as badly as he had to Dawn Buckingham:

Now he’s a four-time loser. Ouch.
Clearly, being elected to real office in rural Texas is never going to happen. To be elected, you need two of three things: (1) looks and connections (Gavin Newsom, Justin Trudeau) (2) a shit ton of money (Perot, Trump, Bloomberg) and (3) be a very charming/smooth talking bullshit artist (Clinton, Obama).
Clayton possesses NONE of these. So he’s fucked. On top of it all, he’s a midget. That’s four strikes and you’re out.
He can’t move to Austin with the other commies because his parents don’t own a house there for him to live in. What to do next with his failed life?
We’ll see in Part III of The Clayton Tucker Fraud.