Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX (and Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats) is trying to fully hop in on the global warming climate change climate chaos grift. Now that Covid is over, Ukraine has lost the war, and Comrade Clayton has realized he’ll never be elected to anything in the real world, he needs a new bandwagon to jump on and try to grift his way upwards.
The green-energy-loving socialist recently hopped on a jet and spewed jet fuel CO2 for 4,000 miles to “organize” a “town hall” about Climate Justice and Trade and, like, Equity or something….

Wow! Two hundred and thirty-four environmental groups signed a letter! That sure sounds impressive! Those groups are probably run by super-smart scientists and have, like, millions of members and stuff!
Um, not exactly. As it turns out, they are all grifters, small-time Facebook groups and FOUR of the “signers” are shitty little non-profits created by or headed by Comrade Clayton HIMSELF!
We’ll get to that later.
Let’s take a look at some of the “environmental groups” that signed this important letter. This may be Comrade Clayton’s most audacious grift yet. Even bigger than publicly lying about being a rancher/farmer/cowboy for the last four years.
I can’t possibly cover every one of these groups but I chose a few at random and looked them up. Every one of them is a grift unto itself.

Extinction Rebellion? This is one of the few signatories I have heard of. Notice how they count the five different chapters as five different groups signing their letter? They do this a lot. So maybe 3 groups signing turns into 43. Typical grifter bullshit to pad the numbers. Like this:

[See how one group ( becomes TWENTY-TWO signatures! Oh, and is so far left they want to COMPLETELY ban all fossil fuels. I wonder how they’ll grease their pinwheels without oil? This organization is a MAJOR grift– the kind that takes millions in government grants, hands out a few hundred thousand to other groups, and then spends TEN MILLION in “salaries and wages” for their directors – see Part IX line 7]
Extinction Rebellion are the morons you see on TV all the time doing stupid shit like throwing paint on the Mona Lisa or gluing their hand to things. These are young kids and moron cult members who are dangerous zealots. Picture guys whiter and more privileged than Clayton Tucker but with a man bun and gauge earrings.
Douglas County Global Warming Coalition? A tiny group of Oregon nuts with only 528 followers on Facebook. They are supposedly a non-profit but do not show up on any list that I could find.
Families for a Livable Climate? Another tiny group in Montana (566 followers) – if you brose their webpage, you’ll find a lot of fat, ugly chicks with purple hair, she/her pronouns and armpit hair. There is no non-profit information filed for them either, but at least they show up in a search. This means a tiny, pissant organization of zealots. Not real scientists.
Starting to get the picture? This is how a very small group of nutjobs, grifters and little boys who live with their moms ends up foisting retarded and sure-to-fail policies on all 330 million of us. You ever wonder who the asshole is who came up with banning gas stoves? He is some clueless asshole somewhere in D.C. who is just another Clayton Tucker – he knows nothing, has no brains and has just brown-nosed and grifted his way into a position that shouldn’t even exist.
Part II coming next – where we expose all of Comrade Clayton’s non-profit groups who signed this tripe.