Lampasas Sales Tax Receipts DROP AGAIN – Third Straight Month. Down 2.13% Compared To Year Ago.

Ruh roh. Third time is a charm? Bidenomics doing its thing – wrecking the economy.

Clearly a major slowdown is finally underway. The state of Texas as a whole saw sales tax up a paltry 1.48% for July.

Lampasas was down for the third month straight – this time DOWN 2.13% over last July [row 585 as always]. Receipts fell from about $263,500 down to $258,000.

[For comparison, LAST July, sales tax receipts were UP 11% YoY compared to July 2021.]

What a perfect time for a business to move into the Business Park! I’m sure LOTS of businesses are looking to expand or start up in this environment! Any day now….

Some numbers from other cities:

Burnet: UP 3.71%

Marble Falls: DOWN 2.2%

Round Rock: DOWN 7%

Austin: UP 1.82%