The biggest Bond villain of them all, Hungarian communist George Soros, isn’t happy with the damage he has done with his soft-on-crime DA’s letting criminals run rampant. He is pumping MORE money into Texas.

Local communist and head of the Lampasas Democratic Party Clayton Tucker applauds this move.

Here are a few of his other scumbag cronies Soros helped get elected with millions of dollars in donations:
Joe Gonzalez—Bexar County (San Antonio), Texas. Joe Gonzalez is one of Soros’s favorite DAs, receiving nearly $1 million in backing from the billionaire during his 2018 campaign, upsetting incumbent Democrat Nico LaHood in the primary. Just as in Dallas, violent crime reportedly increased by 15 percent in San Antonio under Gonzalez, while convictions dropped by 17 percent.
John Creuzot—Dallas County, Texas. Backed by an estimated $236,000 from Soros, Creuzot became the DA of Dallas County in 2018 and immediately moved forward with a plethora of radical reform policies, including decriminalizing theft under $750, criminal trespass, and drug possession. During his first year in office crime reportedly increased by 15 percent while total convictions dropped by 30 percent. Most recently, Creuzot failed to get a conviction in straightforward case against Billy Chemirmir, a Kenyan immigrant charged with murdering and robbing 18 elderly women in assisted living facilities. He was found with his alleged victims’ personal papers and jewelry in his possession at the time of his arrest.
José Garza—Travis County (Austin), Texas. In 2020, Garza was elected as Austin’s DA with the aid of more than $400,000 in ads paid for by the Texas Justice and Public Safety PAC, one of Soros’s private PACs that has received roughly $3.6 million from the billionaire since its creation in 2018. Since assuming office, Garza has developed a reputation for letting violent offenders go free on little to no bail. Oh, and don’t forget about the persecution of Daniel Perry for shooting a BLM scumbag in self defense.
In 2020, Garza released hundreds of inmates from jail over COVID-19 protocols, even though only six people in Austin at the time were known to have COVID-19. In 2021, Garza released a man with eight prior felony convictions after he was caught toting a gun in a meth-fueled car chase with police. After his release with an ankle monitor, the man allegedly went on a crime spree committing 10 armed robberies. Since Garza was elected, police budgets have been slashed, and Austin has experienced skyrocketing crime rates and a record number of homicides.
You can see the other Soros disasters like Kim Foxx HERE.
I just hope that when all these Soros-backed criminals are set free to wreak havoc, that they murder, rape and rob the kind of people who applauded this – people like Clayton Tucker and his family members. Maybe if Clayton Tucker (or someone in his family) is carjacked and shot in the face he’ll change his tune. Maybe Christopher Tackett’s daughter or wife getting raped will change his mind too. But I doubt it. They are such cucks, they’ll probably cry and apologize to the scumbag for turning him in, like this liberal pussy did.
As I wrote a week ago: Scumbag Communists Infesting Lampasas. Beware.