These stories enrage me more than just about anything else. A bunch of third-world illiterates being shipped 8,000 miles over here thanks to idiot liberals who keep repeating the lie that they are somehow good for the economy. They aren’t. They are deadbeats are freeloaders. We have enough of those already.
Refugees Feel Abandoned After Texas Resettlement Agency Closes
Here are some snippets:
First up, we have a couple of clowns from the Central African Republic who are supposedly “fleeing the war” in their shit hole nation:

First off, the war they are fleeing has been going on for over 10 years. So why are they being shipped here now? Secondly, they don’t speak a lick of English – they speak French. So why not ship them to the oh-so-generous French? France is a hell of a lot closer to their home country. Plus European retards like Christine Seefeldt keep telling me how compassionate they are.
They say that life here has been “difficult and upsetting.” Gee, what’s wrong, Mahamat? All the free food and wifi not to your liking? You can’t figure out the indoor plumbing?
Keep in mind these “refugees” also have kids who don’t speak a lick of English. Mahamat and those like him are trying to stick these kids in our Texas schools. Hey, don’t worry about who is going to pay millions more to hire a bunch of ESL teachers. Mahamat sure isn’t worried about it. He sure as hell isn’t chipping in. Just gimme, gimme, gimme.
I wonder why morons like Clayton Tucker (who has stated that border walls are “racist” and that Austin should be allowed to be a sanctuary City if they want to be) and Bruce Haywood don’t invite 5 or 6 Africans into their homes and open their own wallets to pay for little Mahamet Junior’s education??

Keep in mind that Bruce Haywood has not paid any taxes (federal OR property) in a VERY long time. Clayton lives with mom and appears to have no income, so he pays ZERO (federal income or local property) into the school system either. Yet both of these ass hats are demanding MORE illegals pour into Texas and get set up with a first-world education at the expense of YOU and ME.
Then we have Iranian “refugee” Yeganeh Bahraminejad. She’s looking for some free shit too! Last I checked, Iran was ALSO about 7,000 miles away from Texas. No matter. Cough up some money, chump:
Yeganeh Bahraminejad sorts through a stack of papers inside her Dallas apartment. There’s a bill from the electric provider about an overdue payment — a reminder that she’s not sure how she’s going to keep up with all of her expenses.
“It’s not my problem that they don’t have the money,” Bahraminejad said. “They accept my case. If they don’t have the money, why [did] they accept new case[s]?”
“I go everywhere [by] myself. No one translate[s] for me in a hospital or anywhere. But I just need help for my rent.”

Oh! You just need help with the rent! Feel free to give Comrade Clayton a ring. He’s been busy yammering for years that illegal immigrants are a net BENEFIT to society! They are oh-so-skilled and smart! They can take care of themselves!
Sure they can, buddy.
Report: Illegal immigration costs taxpayers $116 billion annually; Californians, Texans, Floridians pay the most
NYC Faces $1 Billion Tab From Migrant Influx as Economy Strains Budget, Comptroller Says.
Even one of the biggest dumbshits in the country, Eric Adams, has finally started to realize these parasites are a huge drain on resources. Not to mention the way they completely trash and destroy their “free” housing.

We as a nation are the biggest cuckolds and pussies on the planet for allowing these scumbags to walk all over us.
The solution, of course, is to send 3 or 4 third-world parasites to the homes of every liberal idiot who tells us how awesome they are and let THEM take care of the parasites directly.
That means Comrade Clayton gets four African parasites, Bruce Haywood gets four Haitian parasites, Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris gets four Nigerian parasites, Julie Cain Landrum gets four Iranian parasites, Christine Seefeldt gets four. Janet “Crazier” Crozier gets four. Kristi Lara gets four.
We’ll see how they like it after about 5 days of that bullshit. Time to make the idiots pay for all of their stupid ideas.