When doing my corporate searches to try and find ANY ranch or farm business AT ALL associated with local communist Clayton Tucker the fake rancher/farmer (there are none) I DID come across an interesting nugget….

Comrade Clayton formed yet ANOTHER commie organization called Bluebonnet PAC a mere three months ago! Let’s see who else is involved:

Kristi Lara is an even bigger communist than Clayton Tucker. Which sounds impossible. She has reached the age of 46 without really working a job while bumming off of people for money and being a “community organizer.”
The type who (like Comrade Clayton) posts about how difficult life is as she lazes around the house at 2pm on a work day – clearly with time on her hands to gaze at her navel and complain about how horrible it all is…

Bernie Sanders would be proud.
She has been bumming around with Comrade Clayton since before he adopted his fake rancher persona and was just a spoiled trust-fund nerd without a job…

Oh, speaking of Bernie…she even grifted her way to the 2016 Dem convention to support that hardcore communist in person! Can you imagine? Being 39 years old and begging strangers for money to go to a convention (i.e. – a big party) to schmooze with other deadbeat socialist losers and praise an old bag of shit commie like Sanders!?

She tells us:
“My Journey with Bernie materialized in 2011 with the Occupy movement. Like millions of Americans, I became an active organizer and supporter of Occupy Wall Street. I traveled to New York to sleep out on Wall Street. For almost 2 months, I maintained an Occupy tent here in Dallas in protest of a system that I knew denied millions of Americans access to Economic, Social, Racial and Environmental Justice.“
So at age 34, she slept in a tent with a bunch of other unwashed bums and accomplished absolutely nothing. NONE of those banker scumbags went to jail for fraud. Well done! Must be nice to have zero responsibilities at age 34 and sit around in a drum circle with a bunch of other hippie morons living off of mom and dad’s credit cards. I’m sure Comrade Clayton would have been there too, but he was busy in college acquiring his useless $80,000 International Relations degree.
Much like Comrade Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX, Kristi Lara the communist runs around getting photos with the most anti-American scumbag commies she can find and proudly posts them for all to see:

That’s not all Kristi Lara has in common with Comrade Clayton. They are also both accomplished at getting their asses kicked in elections. In between doing nothing and having no job, Kristi Lara ran for school board (despite having zero kids) and got her ass whipped hard by Miguel Solis by about 44 points.
Miguel Solis Defeats Kristi Lara To Win Dallas School Board Seat
She even resorted to typical commie cheating and lying to help herself out – which is what commie scum does now, as we saw in 2020. She STILL failed miserably:
Dallas ISD District 8 Candidate Kristi Lara Accused of Campaign Violation
So – what are these two dirtbag commies up to with their new Bluebonnet PAC here in Lampasas? Yet to be seen, but you can bet that it isn’t good for Texas or America. The problem with communist vermin and serial grifters like Clayton Tucker and Kristi Lara isn’t that they are smart or capable. They most certainly are NOT. The problem is that they have nothing but piles of time on their hands to try and undermine freedom and the Constitution every waking hour of their day.
Most America loving patriots are working hard all week to try and take care of their families while being robbed blind by the IRS to hand over money to losers and grifters like this. THAT is the problem. Hardworking Americans are literally funding their own demise. Bums and deadbeats like Tucker and Lara have all the time in the world. Like the stream that wears away the boulder – they have time and persistence on their side.
Honest, freedom-loving Texans had better wake up fast to the threat that faces them and take these commie pieces of shit seriously. If I had my way, they’d be forcibly deported to California or Venezuela and barred from ever entering Texas again.