Pretty Hard To Quit When You Don’t Work In The First Place.

One of life’s great ironies…

Here we have an unemployed loser socialist who reads a Twitter page called “FuckYouIQuit,” but has never had a real job in the first place, and thus cannot quit.


The FuckYouIQuit page has about 500,000 other lazy incel losers following it as they all have a giant circle-jerk to re-assure each other that the problem isn’t that they are lazy, good-for-nothing unskilled dirtbags but rather the problem is “corporate greed.”

Those “greedy corporations” don’t want to hand an unskilled bum like Clayton Tucker $30 an hour on his first day of work, so he refuses to participate in the labor market. Much easier to stay home with mom all day long and post pictures of goats.

You see, for the last 170 years or so, the corporations were NOT greedy and the “boomers” and “Gen Xers” were able to get a good job. Then sometime around 2020 (right as we “elected” a quasi-retarded dementia patient who has ALSO never had a real job), the corporations all got very greedy at the same moment and made life impossible for these poor wretches.

(I’m not sure how that explains Comrade Clayton’s other 25 years of unemployment but logic isn’t her strong suit)

I got news for you Comrade Clayton: you quit a long time ago. Like, when you were in the womb. You were a born quitter, which is why you are an able-bodied 32-year-old male with no kids and you live in your mommy’s upstairs bedroom and spend all day on Twitter creating useless non-profits to spread socialist dogshit to the masses.

How odd- not a single record of any ranching corporations. But plenty of non-profits. Your entire life has been “non-profit” since you have never held a real job.

It’s why you will never have a place of your own until your parents die and leave you the house in their will, which I am sure was your plan in the first place. Why lift a finger when you can hang out there in mom’s house until she dies and then just take it for free?

Kind of like another socialist loser in town named Grady Lucas – who put his mom in a nursing home, took her house, then posted a GoFundMe that was deceptively labeled “help me fix up my mom’s house” but failed to mention it was HIM who was now living in it, not some poor old lady who needed a helping hand.

In other words, a complete piece of lazy dogshit like you.

No comrade, it is not “corporate greed” that is the problem. It’s your generation who can’t put their phones down for 30 seconds to complete a task. It’s your generation who has been brainwashed by TikTok that life is just SO unfair and nobody had it as hard as you do – when in fact, the EXACT opposite is true. Your generation never had it so easy. Smart phones, Internet, apartment and job searches in an INSTANT (no pounding the pavement), DoorDash, Uber, Netflix: you’ve never had to work for a fucking thing in your miserable lives. You just push a button.

The other day (during working hours for most people) he was crying publicly about how there was no such thing as affordable housing…thus he HAS to live with mommy!

I happen to know a millennial who found a place to live in Lampasas just last week!

But with the push of a button, I found a BUNCH of affordable places!

“Whaaah…whaah. I can’t afford $1200 a month! Whaaaah. That’s not a sweet mansion with a pool and stuff like I see on TikTok. Whaaaah.”

You can afford it if you get a roommate. That’s only $550 or $600 a month. If you can’t afford that, you are a loser of biblical proportions. You only need to make about $1,700 a month to afford that – or about $11 an hour. There are TONS of places around offering more than that right now. But scumbags like Clayton Tucker think they are above that kind of work.

I’m guessing he also avoids 40-hour workweeks because then he couldn’t be on his phone all day long tweeting socialist garbage to the other losers:

Bernie Sanders was kicked out of a communist commune as a young man due to LAZINESS!! Comrade Clayton idolizes that.

I shit on your entire generation.

Luckily, Clayton Tucker is able to say “Fuck You I Quit” because he has mommy and daddy to provide him a place to live. Must be nice.