Local liberal slob Bruce Haywood took time out of his busy day of sleeping in his greasy recliner to shit on the head of a local business – something he chides others for doing all the time…

Reminder: Bruce Haywood is a HUGE Biden supporter and has informed us that Bidenomics is AWESOME and that there is no inflation at all, so I’m not sure why he’s bitching about prices.

Also, he doesn’t pay any income tax OR property taxes at all!! He is a freeloader and a parasite. He lives off of YOU, the taxpayer. Should have plenty of cash to spare, right Bruce??
The business in question is El Frias, in the old Bill’s Burgers building. I have been there a couple times and found the food and service to be fine. Perhaps the waitstaff is disgusted by your appearance, Bruce? Maybe that’s why they won’t visit your table.

Pro tip: it would be cheaper to eat out if you didn’t order 4 or 5 entrees for yourself, you corpulent moron.
Besides, Bruce “The Manatee” Haywood has a more refined palate. Stuff like Krab Kingz slathered in butter or a 2am Whataburger greaseburger. He probably also adores Captain D’s. Anything soaked in grease or butter is fine dining in Haywood’s book. If you served him a raccoon turd in garlic butter, he’d gobble that shit right down.

If Bruce Haywood is shitting on a restaurant and says he won’t be going back, then that will be my new go-to spot. The last thing I want to see while I’m eating is a 380-pound sack of shit riding around in a scooter complaining about the prices.
P.S. – I find it hilarious that some of the same people bitching about prices are the ones who are constantly complaining that Lampasas “needs a nice steakhouse” to open up. They bitch about a $10 entree but obviously have no clue that a “nice steakhouse” is going to charge 3 or 4 times that for a good steak. Go shove your faces with Captain D’s you pigs.