Is The Roof Already Failing At The $1.5 Million City Council Chambers?

I guess $1.5 million doesn’t go as far as it used to.

Recall, the City blew over $1.5 million “remodeling” the Old City Hall Building a few years ago.

First they sold the building for $75,000. Then they bought it back about a year later for $229,000. This was fairly typical for the idiots running things between 2013 and 2022.

City manager Finley DeGraffenreid explained away this colossal waste by telling us that a lot of improvements were made in that year. LOL.


Anyways, when they paid JNW Architects $18,500 (October 2016) for a “structural analysis” of the building, apparently the roof passed muster.

Unfortunately, the City then spent $45,194 to re-roof the building about two years later. So much for all those “improvements” the City paid $154,000 for, right Finley?

Well, the roof debacle might not be over yet.

From tomorrow’s City council packet (page 70):

“After noticing some plaster deterioration in the corners of the Calvert Building, staff reached out to Clark roofing to assess any possible penetrations or deficiencies in the roofing. The roof was installed in 2018 and is still under warranty….once the leak or leaks are fixed, staff will complete repairs to the interior.”

Oh. So will Clark pay for those repairs to the interior too? Or will Ryan Ward just go to the money tree and shake it a few times and let the taxpayers pay for yet ANOTHER costly mistake by a contractor?

Lest you think I’m kidding, recall that the Old City Hall elevator was such a disaster that the City had to pay $17,000 (out of their own pockets) for a 3-year maintenance contract because the elevator was breaking down so much.

I’m sure it’ll be different this time, though!