Three years after the Covid Cultists panicked and went full “Good German,” a lot of these far-left liberal Covid loons have erased their Facebook pages to bury the evidence. Some people like Stephanie Fitzharris, have started SEVERAL new profiles over and over to try create a false new persona and distance themselves from the truth.
Those people cannot be allowed to get away with it and it must NEVER be forgotten or forgiven. So we will be doing a tribute to remind EVERYONE of their true colors.

Stephanie Fitzharris was LOUDLY and CONSTANTLY screaming for FORCED masking and FORCED “vaccination” – and called for persecution of anyone who questioned her authoritarian view.

Make no mistake about it: Stephanie Fitzharris would have turned you into the Covid police in a split second. She was all in favor of destroying small businesses because she herself had no job and could easily sit home and play with her inner child while others suffered.

Thankfully we have the Second Amendment here, so we didn’t turn into New Zealand or Australia – where they were setting up concentration camps for those who refused to get the “vaccine.” Naturally, Stephanie Fitzharris is no friend of the Second Amendment either:

She demanded censorship of anyone who suggested that Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine might work. She EVEN demanded the president of the United States be brought up on charges for suggesting HCQ might help – a position that was later proven correct.

Millions of American lost their jobs when they refused forced vaccination. To this very day, hospitals and air travel are highly disrupted by nurse and pilot shortages thanks to Joe Biden’s idiotic authoritarian policies. Stephanie Fitzharris is a HUGE Joe Biden supporter – and lover of Bernie Sanders, the socialist. She is a FAR left nut job. Do not forget that either. You can thank voters like Stephanie Fitzharris for the disaster that is Joe Biden:

She has been known to lie and say she wasn’t really a Democrat or a far left loon. That is not true. She is 100%, full-on libtard lefty Covid Cult loon and BLM supporter:

She is also full-on woke! Very, very woke. No wonder her own father can’t stand her. She’s annoying to the point where her own Dad told her to STFU:

She also thinks CRT is just a hoax….

…and she’s VERY much AGAINST voter ID laws to secure elections. When Georgia passed a law to tighten election security, MLB responded by taking the All-Star Game away from Georgia. Potato head Stephanie Fitzharris cheered this on:

Stephanie Fitzharris has lived in Oregon, California and Austin – all three of those are HARD CORE liberal bastions. She has praised Oregon repeatedly and told us last year she was going to sell their house in Austin and move back west to Oregon, where her commie-loving “son” lives…

Never forget. Never forgive. People like Stephanie Fitzharris belong in Oregon, California or North Korea. NOT in the fine state of Texas.