Another day, another refusal to answer a simple question:
What is the name of the company the LEDC has been crowing about creating “20 to 35” jobs and a $700,000 capital investment?

The LEDC (Misti Talbert) and Economic Development Director (Stacy Ybarra – salary and benefits of over $115,000 per year) were telling us PUBLICLY in May that $700,000 in capital investment and 20-35 jobs were announced.
Announced where? I sure never heard about it. That’s a lot of jobs. You’d think they’d be proud of that. Why hide the name of the company? Are they lying???
A MONTH LATER, in June, the City’s hack attorney JC Brown was busy telling the Texas AG that the City can’t give me any info on the Business Park prospects because THERE ARE NO AGREEMENTS OR CONTRACTS with any companies!!

So is JC Brown, the hack attorney lying to the AG? That would sure be a big no-no, wouldn’t it? As big of a hack as she is, I’d think she’d be smart enough not to blatantly lie to the Attorney General of the state of Texas. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe she IS that stupid.
I am right about one thing though: somebody is a humongous public liar. I can’t wait to find out who it is. I’ll make sure to repeat it here over and over until the end of time.