If this is the kind of dunce the Lampasas public school system churns out, I think we may as well shut it down now. The taxpayers spent about $150,000 “educating” this idiot over 12 years, and he’s arguably less educated than one of Thomas Jefferson’s slaves.
His parents also failed him very badly. This is the most convoluted, retarded, ass-backwards take on anything I have seen in a while. We are all dumber for having read it. It is proof that liberals do not deserve to live in this country and I sure as hell cannot share a nation with them. National divorce is the only answer.
Funny though – Cade is “free” to pick up and move to California any time he likes. Yet he doesn’t. Because he is a hypocrite AND a pussy. What an embarassment.

Ummm…black students AREN’T crushing their SATs, moron. They are also not, as a group, achieving scholastically – which is the whole problem. But Asians sure are.
For those of you who are math challenged like Cade, the Asians are scoring 30% higher. Why is that? Asians are an even SMALLER minority than blacks. With all the perceived “racism” in this country, they should be even MORE discriminated against and doing even worse! Yet they aren’t.
If a poor black kid “crushed” his SAT, every school in the country would be slitting each others’ throats to admit him – because he is so rare and they highly value forced “diversity.”
Asians have a culture of working hard academically. Blacks do not. The black community also has a HUGE problem with fatherless families – which is the root of most of their problems.
So when Harvard looks for the highest scores, grades and achievement in school, they end up with 50% of their incoming class being Asian and maybe one or two blacks. This drives them crazy. So they had to DISCRIMINATE against the hard-working Asians and let in an undeserving black student who has no business being there and will likely struggle.
The kind of world that is most FAIR and FREE is the one where the kid who works the hardest gets ahead…not the kid with the darkest skin color, even though he can barely read.
So Cade’s first example of “freedom” is completely backwards. Like his entire life.
His next example of “freedom” is to be free from your friends and family berating you for being gay. Sorry, but all the Supreme Court decisions in the world can’t change that. If your friends and family are assholes or don’t care for your lifestyle choices, then go find some new friends. Suck it up, buttercup.
Or maybe just, you know, SHUT UP about being gay for five seconds. We get it. You love the cock. Do we need an entire month with rainbows painted all over everything? Does every single conversation have to be about how you pack fudge? Because nobody cares.
If my kid turned out like Cade Hilgenberg, I’d berate him, disown him and never talk to him again. That would be my right as a father.
Same goes for you tranny freaks. You can dress like a woman all you want, but don’t expect me to play along or use some made-up, bullshit pronoun. I know what reality is, even if you don’t. That is MY freedom.
Nobody is stripping any gays of any “rights” – you still have the exact same rights to vote, drive a car, start a business, etc that I do. What we ARE denying you is special privileges – which you have been give in SPADES over the last few years.
If you’re a gay couple and somebody won’t make you a cake, stop being such a drama queen and go find someone who WILL take your perfectly good money. There are thousands of them out there. Stop getting butthurt over every perceived slight in life and stop being a pussy over everything. That’s my advice to you clowns.