So it’s no longer 105 outside, but rather it is a bit cloudy, cooler and quite pleasant. A lovely 90 degree day at around noon on a holiday weekend kinda. I REALLY thought the skate park would have some skaters there today. I went by last Friday (June 30th) and it looked like this….

So today I thought it would be fair to try again on a very nice day. After all, we were assured over and over that “it would be used every single day.” The price went from $200,000 (yes it did Finley!) to $300,000 to $470,000 and the final number was just a hair under $500,000. Because…diesel, or something.

So SURELY the kids were flocking there today! After all, tons of Lampassholes wailed and gnashed their teeth for years about “the kids have nothing to do in town!” – so where were the kids today???

What an embarassment.
I hope City council remembers this when they hear the same nonsense being spewed in support of the bike trail or the frisbee golf course or all the other “must have” $500,000 projects dreamed up by 8 or 9 people in town who happen to like that stuff.