Fantastic. The Supreme Court has dealt two blows to the commies in the last two days.
First they ruled that race-based admissions to college are unconstitutional. Asians (a MINORITY RACE) are rejoicing everywhere. All the race-baiters will actually have to crack the books and work hard now to get admitted on achievement rather than their pigment.

Then today, they ruled that all the deadbeats out there who have not been paying off their school loans for the last THREE YEARS will have to actually pay what they owe. I guess borrowing $150,oo0 for a useless degree wasn’t too bright after all.
What a shame.
Local unemployed socialist deadbeat’s head about to explode in 3….2…..1….
**UPDATE** – commie head already exploded. That didn’t take long.
P.S. – and for good measure, the Supreme Court also sided with a Christian graphic web designer, Lorie Smith, who objected to designing wedding websites for same-sex couples.
Boo yah. Score a win for free speech!!! Lib dummy heads go BOOM!!!