I have been following this moron for a while. She is one of those responsible for pushing our area as a prime buying spot for Austin libtards. Angry about your high taxes? Idiots like Donna Scoggins share a lot of blame. I suspect she is a raging libtard herself but is (wisely) very careful to hide that fact. But she DID slip up a few times. Like this one…

Only a liberal would be stupid enough to wear a mask years after the “pandemic” is over.
Anyways, she just posted this the other day – alerting homeowners who fucked up and overpaid (on her advice) that they can suck the government tit and the rest of us will pay for their shitty home purchase:

Why does this enrage me so much? Because this SAME IDIOT was pushing homes last March and telling everyone there was no bubble. Anyone with a brain knew there WAS a bubble. But for scumbag real estate agents like HER, it’s always “a great time to buy!”
She was even questioned several times about it on Facebook but she insisted there was no bubble. To refresh your memory, April of 2022 (when she wrote this) was basically the absolute dead-nuts TOP of the bubble.

Julie von Merz schooled her hard and was 100% correct, and instead of making a good, informed point to back up her claims, Donna Scoggins RE Broker pussied out and said she wasn’t in the mood to “wright” a book. A true genius!
You’d think a woman as old as her and as much of an “expert” as her would have known we were in a massive bubble. I sure did, and I don’t even have my real estate license. I had a memory of 2007 and excellent math skills on my side. She just wanted huge commissions from Austin morons and didn’t care that they were about to get burned.

Tee hee hee! I just love “working” in real estate! And by “working,” I mean leaching 5% of these inflated bubble prices while I sit on my ass playing on a computer and funneling Austin assholes into previously-awesome Lampasas. Tee hee hee!
For the record, I LOVE seeing Austin morons get burned, but not when it causes my property taxes to jump 30% in a year – which is exactly what happened.
So what happened IMMEDIATELY after Donna Scoggins Real Estate Genius told everyone there was no bubble? Well, the entire market shit the bed. Just ask Potato Head Fitzharris…she is STILL trying to unload her potato patch in Austin!

But don’t worry about your fuck-up! Donna Scoggins RE Broker is riding to the rescue! She is letting you know where you can go and grab money from everyone else who DIDN’T fuck up and pay 50% over a rational price!
Gee thanks, Donna Scoggins! You are a true hero.