Right now there are hundreds, nay TENS OF THOUSANDS of douchebags who have moved to Texas from California, New York and other liberal shit holes cranking their air-conditioning while their Tesla fagmobile is ALSO plugged into our power grid – and they are sucking down AS MUCH ENERGY as almost TWO central A/C units.
Quite literally, these asswipes are sitting in a house cranking the equivalent of THREE central A/C units as we speak.
Level 2 chargers are the type that wire into your home’s breaker box using a 240V line. These charge your car at up to 7.2 kilowatts (7,200 watts), drawing about 32-40 Amperes of current.
A typical, mid-sized (4-ton or 48,000 BTUs/hr) air conditioner uses ~4,000 watts, so charging the car is like running a bit less than two central AC systems. A water heater is usually 4,500 – 5,500 watts, so the car is pulling more than the water heater too!
A typical clothes dryer uses 6,000 watts – so it uses more than that too!
You cannot meet rising demand with non-dispatchable capacity or you end up with a third world grid.

If the wind stopped blowing or it was cloudy during this heat wave (not unprecedented) we’d be screwed.
These liberal morons are screwing us three different ways:
1) The State of Texas is adding about 300,000 people per year, which means a larger and larger demand for electricity on the state’s largest power grid.
Just by moving here at all they increase demand – people like Christine Seefeldt (Germany), Michelle Moore-Rodriguez (CA), Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris (OR) and local gardening loon Janet Yoder “Crazier” Crozier (OH). These are liberal scum who moved here and then complain repeatedly about how the state is run. They vote for socialist parasites like Greg Casar and his ilk. They enjoy the high-standard of living here that freedom brings and then have the nerve to try and change Texas into the shit holes they came from.
I despise them for this.
2) They increase demand FURTHER by plugging in their idiotic electric cars. Cars which do NOTHING to save the planet and likely do even more damage (cobalt/lithium/nickel/copper strip mining) than ICE cars.
3) They demand (and vote for) more extremely unreliable pinwheels and solar panels be attached to our grid – thus weakening it further. Wind power is EXPECIALLY unreliable as power output varies by the cube of wind speed (if wind speed drops in half, power drops by a factor of 8 – since 2 cubed is 8).
So they are massively increasing demand AND restricting reliable supply AT THE SAME TIME. It is the SAME group of idiots doing both!
Then they have the BALLS to whine “fix the damn grid” when the thing invariably collapses under the stress.
Some of them, like Bruce Haywood and Clayton Tucker, won’t even suffer if the grid fails – because they happen to live near a hospital or a police station. That is “critical infrastructure” which will never be shut down in an emergency.

Clayton Tucker, mister wind power and “fix the damn grid” himself, lives in his mom’s house which is VERY close to the police station. He likely won’t suffer either. I bet he doesn’t even pay a power bill! Mom probably covers that with HER government pension (yup – railroad commission).
Comrade Clayton EVEN has the balls to whine about the pissant salary of some ERCOT board members.

Remember, this is to run the entire grid. A grid which keeps over 30 million people alive. By comparison, our own school superintendent makes $177,000 for running a few schools for nine months a year. Our City manager makes over $200,000 in salary and benefits for running a tiny town of 7,200.
But yeah – let’s bitch about a few thousand bucks to get some very smart people to keep the grid intact. Fucking moron.