Another interesting tidbit was revealed by the LEDC new “development matrix” chart we saw recently:

For YEARS, we have been told by the LEDC, Mandy Walsh, Misti Talbert and everyone else connected to the Business Pork disaster that there were just TONS of RFIs (requests for information) rolling in weekly from the governor’s office from businesses dying to get into the Business Pork. It was the lie they used to squeeze money out of City council over and over again. I have written about it on many, many occasions and stated that it was utter bullshit.
As you can see in the above “matrix” (actually just a spreadsheet tally where they can enter any un-verifiable information they want) there were only THREE RFIs for the entire first FIVE MONTHS of the year.
Three. And by the looks of their “matrix”, all three of them happened in May! So that would be ZERO RFIs over the first four months of 2023. Incredible.
If they were getting all of these multiple RFIs from the governor on a weekly basis, that number should be more like 70 or 80 RFI for the first five months of the year.
But it’s not – because they lied.