Back from vacation. So many things in the hopper! Where to start?? Well, let’s start with the LEDC.
Starting last month, the LEDC added a little section to their packets showing an “economic development matrix” scorecard. See page 33.

According to them, last month (May 2023) there were 20 to 35 jobs announced and there was also $700,000 of capital investment added to the tax rolls.
The question is: when was it “announced” and who is it? I sure don’t remember any big announcements in the Dispatch back in May about any company (or companies) creating 20 to 35 jobs and plopping down almost a million bucks in “capital investment”
Could this just be late reporting on Starbucks opening up? A Starbucks that would have opened with or without the LEDC. So is the LEDC yet again taking credit for “work” they had nothing to do with?
Is this the secret new Business Pork tenant? Is the LEDC is totally jumping the gun crowing about bullshit jobs that haven’t even been created yet? The kinds of phantom jobs like the “up to 200 jobs” local scumworm Mike Cour lied about three years ago?
A request to the City has gone unanswered – just like my requests from the City’s hack attorney JC Brown about City emails and Biz Park information!