128-Pound Weakling With Manfupa And Pasty Noodle Arms Talking Some Trash To “Nazis”

Is there ANYONE who falls for bullshit more easily than Lampasas Democratic Chairman and hard-core socialist Clayton Tucker?

Today’s FBI at work…

Wait, those guys are white. I thought the white supremacists were Mexicans now.

Oh goodness. I can’t keep up with the shifting narratives these days.

Ooooh! You MFers better check yourselves!! Or you’ll be answering to THIS:

Don’t let the bird chest, narrow shoulders, 10-inch biceps or the manfupa fool you. He ain’t playin. He’ll put your head between his knees and crush you using the motion he has perfected on the women’s adductor machine at the gym.

Talk about a gullible dunce! He fell for the Covid masks, he fell for the Covid “vaccine”, he fell for socialism, he fell for the “insurrection” narrative, he fell for the Russia Hoax. He swallows it ALL as easily and quickly as he swallows Beto’s cock.

Now he believes that a photo of 6 or 7 idiots (who are very likely Federal agents) represents the entire GOP.

OK then. Did they look anything like this?

Just a bunch of “nazis” hanging out. Us guys always wear the same sunglasses, watches, and look like Mormons fresh from the gym

Yeah, a half-dozen yaloos with some fresh-out-of-the-box nazi flags who are covering their faces are definitely “the entire Republican Party.”

You know why their faces are covered? Because the Feds are learning from their other staged “nazi” shit where people immediately recognized them as Feds or lefty groups. Remember this one? Comrade Clayton fell for that shit too!

LOL. The ridiculous tiki torch “white supremacists” who actually turned out to be far-left democrats putting on a show. They only admitted it was a “stunt” after they were caught red-handed pretending to be Republican nazis or something.

Then we had “The Patriot Front” – another fake group…likely feds. It’s just like all the race hoax bullshit, the Marxists need to make up threats to justify their abuse of political opponents because the supply of “racism” FAR outstrips the demand by the media…

But the Marxists and commies have ZERO shame. They get caught red-handed lying, cheating, pulling staged bullshit, grooming kids, etc – and they are RIGHT BACK AT IT the very next day.

That is why they must be ground into dust.

This Disney “DeSantis Nazi” shit is about as believable as that mentally deranged chick Ellen Page recently making up a story about how she was “threatened” by someone who said “I’m going to gay bash you.”

Sure he did, lady.

We’ve seen this stunt before: A handful of people all masked…trying to get the media to think that Nazis support a specific candidate.

You know it’s staged.

We know it’s staged.

So let’s stop pretending everyone is stupid and believes this crap.

You know what’s even funnier? Every single Democrat in Lampasas County is represented by this moron. Not only is your Chairman an avowed socialist, but he is a very unintelligent and gullible one, at that.

RELATED: Comrade Clayton is a HUGE FAN of the U.S. sending hundreds of billions of dollars to corrupt Ukraine. Turns out a lot of their soldiers are…wait for it….NAZIS!! Journalists Are Asking Ukrainian Soldiers To Hide Their Nazi Patches, NYT Admits

Ukrainian soldier with Nazi symbol